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Hi Everyone!

Welcome to the a new month!

As per tradition of disarming any tension. This post doesn't have any April fools stuff. It's just a pure content post. :D

So lets talk about the content!

1: What's New?

It's with a massive relief that I can claim to have completed the mountain of artwork needed to make all the scenes for the Isabelle Micro-Game. It was solid hours of work this week to get it past the finish line.

The final two scenes that needed doing was the BDSM scene and the morning bedroom scene which have been rendered out:

Those assets where then named and put into .PSB files and imported into the Unity project.

They're not rigged and animated yet. That alone will probably take all of next week. But they're in the game now and follow the scenes and progression of the story.

Isabelle Voice Audio:

I got the first delivery of voice audio! A lot of them are very cute and for those who enjoy some VO in their erotic game it's gonna be a treat. 

Here's a video of showing how it's shaping up so far. (No animation yet. I won't be lip syncing it, but the emotions and general energy of the scene will link up with the audio.

Video of Audio Lines in Action 

The Bindmancer: Level Select Screen artwork progress.

The artwork I've contracted out to make the exterior shot of the dungeon tower is coming along great! It's yet to be colored but the sketch-out makes it look spectacular! :D

2: What's Next?

Next week is going to be 100% animation focused as I rig up and work on the animations for each of the Isabelle scenes to bring our lovely Assistant to life!

Can't wait to show you all how it'll look!

- Caroo



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