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Hi Everyone!

Hope you've had a great week. Last weekend was a lot of fan over at Furnal Equinox in Toronto Canada. It was great to catch up with people and to attend a con again. My first one since 2019. It felt good to be back!

And for this week I've got some more solid progress to show on the Isabelle themed Micro Game!

1: What's New?

During the week it was a steady stream of working on the artwork that will be later animated inside Unity for the Isabelle themed Mini-game.

So far I've fully colored and shaded 4 scenes and got 2 more to flat color.

As always the labor involved in making assets suitable for animation is that you need to break the image up into "Overlapping" components. It incurs a 2x to 3x time extension to how long assets make just due to the pure management of working in so many folders and layers in photoshop.

To give an example of the layers for a single scene:

If it was a flat image the layering wouldn't need to be done. 

But what we trade in that art creation time cost is the ability for these images to move and animate once rigged up to bones in Unity. :D

And that's really it for this week! Many hours spent on artwork on livestream.

Reminder: I stream often!

On the subject of streaming. If you ever want to see me developing content for Patreon I do a lot of it transparently via my Picaro stream. 

Honestly I do this to keep myself honest and it helps me reach the hours of productive work each week I think someone paying for a patreon like this would expect from who their supporting. :)

2: What's Next?

Next week will be getting the pure grunt work of this artwork done.

I underestimated how much work doing all these Isabelle scenes would take because of how many are in completely different poses. In total there are 8 different scenes, a few of those have very little alterations. Others have a lot of little extras.

So I ended up trading the complexity of bondage we've seen in other sets for just a lot of content.

But I think I can get it done. Right now my estimate for this micro-game getting completed is 3 weeks. So my speculative release date for this Micro Game is the 15th of April.

How do you all feel about this micro-game project? :)


- Caroo



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