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Sep 18th Update: 

I've made a fresh build which bug fixes the issue of punished cultists following you around. 

As always, be sure to delete the old versions files if you're installing it into the same folder.

- Caroo.

DOWNLOAD HERE - Or download from the Attachments in this post.


Hi Everyone!

I've got a fresh new build ready for people to play. :D

What's new in this build?

September 17th

  • A [work in progress] enemy movement AI. The Cultists will now follow you around the level once they detect you.
  • A note on the AI: It's very early and a work in progress. The Enemy AI can easily get confused, get stuck on objects and run into others. It'll get better as we update it!
  • Chest locations and types are now randomized each time you play.
  • New lighting for the dungeon using Unity's 2D lighting system.

As always I'd love your feedback! :)

DOWNLOAD HERE - Or download from the Attachments in this post.

Requirements & How to Install:

  • Playable on a PC using a Windows OS.
  • The game will boot up full screen and set to your monitors native resolution.
  • You can now change the resolution in the options menu to an adjustable windowed mode where you can set it to your preference.

To Install It:

  • Download the zip file
  • You MUST unzip all the contents of the zipfile to any folder. The game cannot run from inside the zipped file.
  • Windows can unzip it by itself. You don't need to download any third party software like WINRAR.
  • You can run the demo by entering the unzipped folder and double clicking on the file named: Kinky Dungeon Project

Common Install Issues:

  • Delete all prior files from previous versions / public demo if you're installing to the same folder location.
  • If you don't unzip the contents of the folder, you can't play the game.
  • If the game opens and then closes without a screen showing, that's typically a graphic driver issue, update your graphics cards drivers and restart your pc.
  • Unity games don't like being placed in folders deeply nested in multiple folders. This is due to long file directory names messing with Unity. 3 to 5 folders deep is fine. More and it gets wonky.
  • If controls don't respond = It's probably a controller you have plugged into or connected to your computer. Remove it to use Keyboard controls.



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