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Hi Everyone!

I've got some fun content to show off for all the work done during August for The Bindmancer. 

All that I'm showing off is also available in the newest Patron Build available to those who sub at $10 or more. :)

Let's get into it all!

Treasure Chests Art Revision

Treasure Chests have gotten a lot of love and attention in August. Mainly because the original asset was out of sync with "camera perspective" of the dungeon and I wanted to make it look a lot more akin to the dungeon environment itself.

Not only that but I also went to the trouble of "splitting up" elements like the locks and chains which now break apart in the opening animations.

In addition the treasure inside is also split into multiple pieces and it's now picked up as you interact with it:

Overall I'm quite happy with how the new artwork turned out!

Mimic Chests

I also created a new type of chest that's a trap for the player! Mimic Chests:

These chests can do devious things to those who aren't careful and don't get out of their way in time.

At the moment there are three different mimic types the player can run into that do different things!

If you do get caught then you need to wiggle around to escape!

Locked Chests

Another chest type I created was a "Locked" Chest that requires a key to open.

Keys can be picked up by either redeeming enemies or found in the environment.

Resolution and Audio Volume Support

A requested feature was also getting in resolution and audio volume support. Which was also propagated to the free Public Demo.

This gives you the freedom to play the Bindmancer in a resolution that's best for you!

New Environmental Assets

More new and interesting environmental art is coming in from artists I've contracted and they're looking amazing!

The highlights for this month include an animated floor-gear:

As well as a number of pillars that look wonderful and very on-point for the dungeon itself.

Improved Stunned Logic

And finally some extra coding work was done to make getting "Stunned" more meaningful gameplay wise. Now the player is unable to attack while stunned:

What's coming in September due to your support?

There's three things I want to get started:

  • Documenting and designing the logic for enemy movement. (It's actually quite involved to make that happen.)
  • Make "Lore Pickups"
  • Design and create a new enemy type.

Enemy movement is the big one but it will be a case of getting it started rather then fully implemented as I'll need the help of a programmer to implement the logic for it.

So it might take a while to get done but once it's in-game that'll make combat much. much more dynamic!

I hope you enjoyed this months public update! Thank you all for your support!


- Caroo



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