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Hi Everyone!

If you've read through the public post made on Wednesday then there's not that much more to add as the work at the start of the week got displayed.

But I'll go through what I'm working on none the less!

1: What's New?

The start of the week was spent on adding in a few extra art assets and randomization logic for the Mimic Chests and getting them integrated into the game.

Meaning there's now 3 differently colored Mimics that treat the player character differently.

The two new ones tickle and give oral.

Wednesday this week was spent getting the public post out and promoting it.

Thursday and today was spent on getting a design doc created for Enemy movement and player detection. The doc is about half-way written at the moment.

There's a few systems I've made for the game that's needed the help of a developer to make it as stable as possible and this new enemy movement and detection system is going to be the biggest co-developed project yet.

There's a lot that goes into making NPCs move and interact with the player.

For a game like Bindmancer you want a system that's not so complex that you accidently spend far too long working on one feature, but you also want it to have enough options to make it feel worth while.

My current design wants to have a few different types of idle states, detection states, and then movement states to choose from. Mixing these together to create interesting enemy interactions.

2: What's Next

Next week will be spent with continued work on the the movement and detection design document. 

Then some concepting of a new enemy type that can navigate the dungeon.


- Caroo




I can't wait to see what the Repelled move behavior is like. Maybe it'll be like chasing them with a rolling pin 😆