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Hi Everyone!

This week we continue the journey into creating some interesting trap encounter tech! Of which as resulted in a new playable demo for those subscribed at $10 or more in a separate post!

Lets get into this weeks progress!

1: What's New:

So this week was spent expanding upon the functionality and art for the Tentacle Trap Encounter.

You can watch a video of it here!

Art wise the dungeon asset got remade to look more like a grating containing some suspicious tentacles that have both a harmless and dangerous state they switch to. 

Also, lookit that sweet gear asset. :3

I also created some UI art for the encounter.

The encounter itself has gameplay associated with it now. The tentacles drain "Willpower" from the player every beat so they're on a ticking clock to escape it. 

To escape the tentacles the player character uses their magic to dispel them. This is done by playing a mini-game where the player matches the tentacle icon to the direction stated on the UI. 

It's a simple mini-game but it gets the point across. :D

Also, when the players willpower gets to about half-way the character will go naked in the encounter. Oou-la-la!

There's still some bits and pieces to do on the tentacle trap encounter but it's more or less functional. Could use some more to it but that can expand later down the line.

2: What's Next

There's some art assets from a contracted artist I wanna get in. As well as work on some other polish pieces for both the chest and the prisoner encounter. So those will be the focus for next week. :D

Really excited about the ramp-up of systems in this game. I feel like it's becoming more of a gameplay driven experience by the week!


- Caroo




Looking amazing keep it up