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Hi Everyone!

This week was a lot of work done on bits and pieces of the game to get it ready for the end of month build. 

To squeeze in as much polish as possible I'll be releasing that build for Patrons on the 29th of June.

So, lets get into this weeks progress!

1: What's New:

I finally settled on a name for the game: The Bindmancer

It's the title given to the main character and denotes their ability to bind and unbind those around her using magic: Which she uses to free prisoners and punish enemies.

Which also brings us to the fact that I finally made a title screen for the game.

I've also put credits in for the composer and the 2D artist who's been contracted to help me create the game. :)

I also remade the level layout for this demo to better space out what's currently there to interact with. 

In addition to all that I've also been going through and improving communication on how to interact with the game. As such putting in visual prompts as to what to press.

And there's a few more pieces of polish done that'll all be there in the next build release. :)

Gameplay Video:

If you'd like to watch a gameplay video of the current build you can watch it here! 

2: What's Next:

Honestly I'll be working through some of this weekend to get as much polish done for Tuesdays June 29th build release.

Then the rest of the week will be spent doing some marketing work and updating the banner ads on Fur Affinity and e621.

I also get my 2nd Covid Vaccine shot on the 2nd of July which I anticipate will put me out for a few days.

Upcoming Public Demo

The big push over the last two months has been to craft enough of an experience to release a public demo that could be played by people to get an idea of what kind of game this is before committing to supporting it.

So what's the difference between the public demo and supporter builds?

Once the public build is released the content available on it will stay very limited. The point of it is to give people a taste of the experience. So much like the Tessa public demo as time goes on they'll be a large gulf of difference in the amount of content available.

In short, continued support gives you access to the full game at any time as the game expands into multiple levels and gameplay systems.

And the public demo will stick to a single dungeon floor.


- Caroo




"Hi there. I'm Caroo, game developer and director of productions at Kangaroo Games. Welcome to Bindmancer. After nine months in development, hopefully it will have been worth the wait."


Are you planning on making this into a roguelike with randomly generated maps? Just curious xb


im curious if there will be game over scenes depending on if/how you lose....or if its just a game over message and restart from last point


It's a long term goal but what I plan to do with levels is randomize their layouts and item placements. That demands a system be coded for it to work, but that's the plan.


I do want to make a fun game-over screen. Don't quite have that in now but one will get in at some point. :D