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Hi everyone!

It's been a hell of a week hasn't it? I'm sure many of us are happy to get a more relaxed and chilled out weekend.

On my end I got a lot of bits and pieces done as well as a productive start on dungeon exploration. Let's get into it!

1: This Weeks Progress

I got three key pieces of work done this week.

A: I updated the Banners and About page to be accurate about Development now focusing on the 2nd project.

This is important because I believe in truth of advertising and I'm glad I got it done first thing this month.

B: Updated the audio in Ticklish Tessa.

The latest build for Ticklish Tessa got a mid week update on Tuesday as the other full arousal clips where delivered by the VA. :)

I'm now actively seeking a male voice actor to provide the equivalent clips for when the player chooses Teesa's male appearance.

Once we have those voice clips in it'll be down to bug fixing and polishing the game. :)

C: I learned about how to use Tilemaps in Unity.

This is a piece of tech I needed to learn if I wanted to make nice looking dungeons in the long term.

This took a few days to get my head around the concepts. Especially automated sprite layering. But this initial learning time will save days of development as I push forward. :)

I also remade the Isometric temporary assets to fit better together using the tilemap system.

As of right now I've constructed a dungeon room and have the character sprite that can move around in it:

2: Promo Art in Progress!

I've hired the skilled artist ALTart / Nooami to create a big mood piece that'll be used as a dev-in-progress title screen, Patreon Banner, and used in advertising:

This is just the sketch. But it's coming up spectacular and really helps sell the mood of the game. :D

3: What's Next?

Now that I understand the concept of Tilemaps and how to use them. I'll be focusing next week on trying to "Stitch" the encounter scenes to the dungeon scene. Getting us closer to a more realized gameplay loop!

So a bit of work all over the place this week. Next week will be much more focused on delivering some gameplay goods!


- Caroo!



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