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Hello all you amazing people. :D

It's the start of a new month and I'd love to showcase what was produced last month during October for the Patrons!

But first an update to Ticklish Tessa:

November 1st Updated Public Demo

In October there was one week spent on Ticklish Tessa and it was focused on getting more audio work in! 

In particular a whole lot of voice effects like laughter, gasps, and moans!

These new audio additions have also appeared in the public demo which has been updated!

DEMO: Click here to play the new demo build! 

VIDEO: And Click here to watch and listen to the new audio in action! 

Prototyping the 2nd Project

The rest of October was spent getting started on prototyping the gameplay and flow of various key elements of the 2nd project!

This new game is a much more gameplay-focused experience and allows the player to interact with many characters and objects.

So far the prototyping has showcased Encountering Enemies, Opening Chests, and Freeing Prisoners!

Freeing Prisoners:

This was by far the most involved prototyping done in October and showcases how Freeing Prisoners is focused around "Breaking Locks" in their bondage to free them.

Which is achieved through solving quick puzzles.

As the game continues development we'll see multiple characters and multiple peril and puzzle designs emerge.

VIDEO: Freeing Prisoners Gameplay Video 

Encountering Enemies:

Enemies in this game seek to defeat the player, mostly through magical bondage and teasing attacks. These enemies want their prisoners to stay helpless forever and we can't have that!

The player has to defend themselves and defeat their enemies of the dungeon by binding them up!

All of these are represented by fun little gameplay mechanics.

Unlocking Chests:

Chests will hold valuable resources and items needed to navigate and master the dungeon!  Unlocking chests involves completing puzzles!

What's coming in November due to your support?

2nd Project Prototyping:

The main focus will be to continue to work on prototyping with the goal to tie all these prototyped gameplay moments together into dungeon exploration and make it all feel like a singular experience.

This is all driving towards the goal of getting a playable demo of all this out there to my Patrons. But that's still some time away I think so I can't pin a month to when that's getting released.

By supporting me now you're giving me the confidence and financial stability to make sure that this 2nd project is as fun as possible right from the start. :)

About Page and Banner Updating:

As work on this Patreon is now focused mostly on the 2nd project I'll be updating the "About" page to showcase the new project. 

As well as update the main banner to showcase the new project.

It's some "house keeping" on my end that needs to be done to ensure people know what they're signing up for in the months ahead :)

Ticklish Tessa:

Ticklish Tessa is near complete, there's some more audio to go in and some more bugs to fix but for the most part the game is done. I'm still tossing up where I should release it once it's ready. ^^ I am considering a Steam release.



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