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Hi everyone!

We've got a different sort of weekly roundup for this week. I spent this week working on a high level pitch doc for two possible games I could get started on once Ticklish Tessa wraps up.

We'll be getting back to working on polishing Ticklish Tessa next week. :D

1: Next Game Pitches

At the start of August I promised I would spend the time to outline what ideas I had once Ticklish Tessa has wrapped up. 

This was promised to both give myself time to outline ideas I've been having onto Paper, but also to instill confidence that there was plans once Ticklish Tessa wraps up.

We're not there yet, but putting these ideas forward in advance gives transparency for feedback!

The main pitch doc is a PDF file that you can download here. (31 Pages)

What does the Presentation Contain?

The PDF presentation contains high level designs for two game ideas:

  • A Kinky dungeon delving game.
  • A Town Builder with Kinky Dungeon Delving Elements

Each idea is explained through:

  • Citing other games as inspirations.
  • What the story/plot of the game is.
  • Its Main Features.
  • How would it look.
  • Gameplay loops.
  • How NSFW content factors in.
  • The intended start to end progression.

Here's some sample slides from the doc:

Your Feedback is important (Genuinely)

What I'm seeking is to see how interested you all are in seeing games like these being made. If you have any questions feel free to ask as well!

I'd love feedback on:

  • Do you like or dislike either idea? What do you like or dislike about them?
  • Are you happy to keep supporting through Patreon if either idea went ahead after Ticklish Tessa is completed?
  • How important is it that these games feature erotic content?

Feel free to either leave feedback through:

  • The comments on this post, or
  • A private message to me.

3: What's Next?

For next week we're jumping back to Ticklish Tessa. The focus will be on looking over the game to see what can be polished and improved upon. This includes UI, addressing Bugs and Glitches and Improving the Gameplay experience.

Ticklish Tessa is nearing completion, but we'll continue to be at the stage where some weeks will be focused on Tessa, others will be focused on pre-production for the next game.

This is because I'm waiting on assets for Ticklish Tessa that are tied to others and when they can deliver, such as getting more voice over and sound effects. 

I also want to explore getting some custom music made. Still on the fence about it. But it could be nice!

Main point being: there's never a week wasted. :) We're always working on something. 


- Caroo




Glad to see your next game is going to be even more ambitious! While I like both ideas, I really prefer the idea of Idea 2. You have a knack for drawing and writing characters that engender sympathy, allure, and interest. I think that having an entire town of NPCs to interact with would highlight your skills with characters. Plus the idea of working within a town built around kink logic is enticing in and of itself. I do not mind that the project would take longer, as seeing your development is part of the joy of donating. That being said, I am equally as likely to continue patreoning you for either project, as both sound delightful. Lastly, for me, it is rather important that the game involve erotic content. You draw some of the absolute best softcore bondage and tickling on the internet and the inclusion of erotic elements definitely adds to that appeal. I think that your game will be seen as erotic simply due to its kinky elements, so you might as well go full erotic. Hope all of that helps! Thanks for creating such an informative and interesting presentation!

AD Lebourreau

Really hype by these concept. Here my feedbackon both ideas. 1st idea: What i like: - A kinky RPG! Love it - The idea of the bnding/unbinding magic powers - The inspiration of undertale with maybe a knowledge of the kink of your ennemy for abetter efficiancy against them. What i dislike: - Obligation of releasing the prisonners. - No more members in your party. What i'd like to see: - A more roguelikeconcept - Prisonners have information on our past and we must obtain them by torture. After that we can free them or not. - Possbility to add ennemies/prisonners to our party. - Our character become more corrupt by the dungeon floor after floor. 2nd idea: What i like: - Management of the city - Randomized dungeon What i dont like - The dungeon seems too short, only 35 floor for this kind of game :/ What i'd like to see: - A LOT! of interaction with villagers. Dialogues, relations level, BDSM minigame, quests - A lot of choices in villagers with difference of design and personnalty.

AD Lebourreau

Conclusion: The second concept seems more attractive beacause of it's lifetime, i glad to get an athmosphere like in animal crossing but more kinky


I really like both concepts as I've always been a super for RPGs and Dungeon Crawlers! First idea: I love the idea of using your powers to hinder the enemies after you but also help the prisoners and having to do puzzles to save them sounds like a good way to enjoy the bind they are in. ;P If I gotta say a dislike, it probably will be that there is likely little non hostile NPC interaction that isn't saving one of the prisoners. Second Idea: City building does sound fun especially if it has a reason to interact with the folks via helping them out on side quests. Sounds like it has potential for a lot more content and world building. What I dislike is that it seems it'll focus less on enemy and boss encounters. Could be wrong but it isn't really brought up if it's the same as first idea's or not so assuming it'll be more simplified and might not have bosses which I think is key to keeping a dungeon crawler fresh. Of the two, I think IDEA 1 is the game I would like to see most but the other idea isn't that far off either.. The puzzles sound intriguing and boss battles are nice. Plus progressing from Ticklish Tessa, it sounds to me Idea 1 is an easier game to tackle making where two would get much more complex *what with building a dungeon of enemies to fight and a town to build with NPCs to chat with.


Either way, I'm happy with both ideas and will still support whichever project is worked on first! As for erotic content, I think a good bit of it is important given the kinky nature of the game but it would not be the end of the world either if it was mostly or strictly softcore either.


Thank you so much for the written feedback! It's great to hear you're on board with either idea and your take on erotic content. I very much agree that when it comes to erotic stuff, you ether need to go clean or embrace the mature content nature of the work.


Thanks for the feedback! :D I think a lot of people can get behind a fun RPG and Dungeon Crawler. They've got a nice gameplay rhythm to them that's well timed and easily digestible. Really happy to hear you're on board with either idea. :D


As someone who's a sucker for improving towns in video games, I really like the second game idea. Both of them are interesting, but I feel like mixing in a town-builder is a more creative way to break up the process of constantly dungeon diving with a somewhat more relaxed paced portion of gameplay. How would friendliness/relationships with townsfolk work? The more requests you do, the more they like you? Or would the requests just reward gear for dungeons/more town building abilities.?


Thanks for the thoughtful feedback! Some good question on the town builder ideas. But honestly no answers to give on the details until I'd get to prototyping the system out to find out what's fun. :)