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 Hi everyone. :D

Today I'm sharing the new Title Screen that's been made for Ticklish Tessa.

There's also a new build available for $10+ Patrons as well who can play these new features today. :)

1: Title Screen Video

You can see all the features of the new Title Screen by watching this Video. 

2: This Weeks Progress

We got some new content on the build in the form of a brand new title screen. :)

While this doesn't add much to the main play experience it does both give the title screen a proper visual overhaul as well as improve the options available from the get go.

Sound (Still a work in progress) and resolution options are now available from the title screen. (As well as Patron crediting.)

Interactive elements include the options to: start a new game, continue an existing save, change Tessa's gender before you start the game and exiting the game.

You can also give give Tessa a cute nose boop and give a little tickle to their feet! :D

A big call out to those on the Discord giving feedback to the WIP videos I shared during the week. <3 You peeps are awesome.

3: What's Next? 

For next week we'll be taking a break from Tessa to work on concepts for the next project.

I said at the start of this month that I'd dedicate time to start creating ideas and content as to what the next project would be. It'll give an opportunity to get feedback on what people like from the high-level concepts I put forward. :)

Then for the final week and a bit of August we'll get back onto Tessa for a polish bonanza!


- Caroo



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