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Hi everybody. It's been a very productive week over here! 

I hope it's been a good week for you. :)

1: New Playable Demo arriving this weekend

As promised last week i'll be delivering a new playable build for all those who have subscribed at $10 or more per month. 

A forewarning that It will contain some bugs and a bit of jank. But it will also contain an unpolished progression system and UI refinement to play with. :)

2: This Weeks Progress

The focus of this week was to put a system in place where you get to play with Tessa over multiple sessions. Unlocking more methods to tease her and more content to customize her with. (Hint Hint)

While the current balancing values do need a good amount of polish, the functionality and structure is there to tweak and refine it!

In addition to this progression system. Time was spent making a more polished UI that would go hand in hand with the progression elements. 

Some minor new elements made it in as well such as an exit application button and an in-app Supporters Page.

VIDEO: A full 2 minute demonstration of the progression system and new UI can be found here. 

3: What's Next: Polish and Refinement

There's been enough new systems developed over the past few weeks that it would be smart to take a week to focus and polish up what's already present. Make the experience more fun and try to reduce the amount of Jank in the game build. Also focus on what we already have be even more fun to play!

A big thank you to everyone who's supporting me. I hope these new additions to the game are exciting and I hope you'll enjoy the upcoming demo!

- Caroo


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