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Hi everybody! I hope everyone is doing well!

1: New Playable Demo arriving near the end of April

Before elaborating on this weeks progress. I wanted to let everyone know what I'll be getting another Playable Demo out before we hit the end of the month. 

This demo will be available to Patrons who are subscribed at $10 or more!

I hope you're all excited to play the newest iteration of Tessa!

2: This Weeks Progress

This week was very productive! A big feature was put into the game that ties all of the teasing and tickling together. The Arousal System.

The arousal system is a meter that fills the more and more intensely you tickle Tessa. This increasing arousal manifests as a blushing to her cheeks, her feet and a range of changing idle animations.

And all this teasing and tickling culminates in a "Win State" that sees Tessa get the "Relief" she so very much craves.

VIDEO: You can watch a full 2:10 minute video of the Arousal System in action by clicking this link! 

It was quite a lot of work to get all of the other systems to work together and connect to a single metric. But it's awesome to see the game now have a win-state!

3: What's Next: Progression and Unlocks

The next big system to work on is a progression system. A feature where all these tickling tools are unlocked through experimentation and play.

The narrative here is that you're playing with Tessa over multiple sessions. As trust increases with her, you're allowed to use more tools and tease her much further. <3

As always, a big thanks to you all! Making games for you is my full time job and I hope I'm meeting your expectations. :D

- Caroo


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