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 Hi everybody! 

This week has been focused on a grab bag of smaller implementations and bug fixes to help improve the dialogue system and gameplay.

1: This Weeks Progress

Overall there's a number of bits and bobs done. To list them off:

  • Toe Ties! - A feature was requested to allow tying her toes together and now you can! Doing so locks her feet together in all all situations.
  • Dialogue can now shake.
  • Dialogue can have graphics complimenting it, like animated love hearts.
  • I added some emotes to compliment Tessa's facial expressions. So far we've got "?" "!" and "<3" that can trigger at predetermined face expressions.
  • I took the time to animate her torso and her hands. They wiggle!
  • Some bug fixing to the pick and pick overdrive logic. It shouldn't get the intensity stuck now if you release the pick while in overdrive.

You can see all these additions to the game in this one minute video. 

And here's a gif of the facial expression graphics and toe ties...

And also another gif of body wiggle, text wiggle and text graphics:


2: What's Next: Arousal Systems

The main goal for next week is to tie all the new tickling tools and interactions with Tessa into an arousal system.

This is a system that's used to tally up all the interactions the player does with Tessa and change her overall state.

There's a lot of different things that could be done with this system. It should be a lark to tie everything together in a meaningful way to make Tessa a very happy mouse boss. :D

And that's this week!

Thanks for your support! :D

- Caroo


John Luke Sanchez

caroo I love what you're doing!! keep up the good work and you'll go far!!!


Thank you so much John. :D I'm working hard to make this Patreon worth it's while! :D