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Hi everyone! :)

First week completed! Once again thank you all for  supporting me from the start of this Patreon. It means a lot to me. :)

1: This Week's Progress

Last week I said that testing out Unity's 2D Bone animation system was on the cards.

And I have to say that after some solid hours of work this week the results came out really nice.

Meet Tessa the Mouse Boss!

We now have a fully 2D bone rigged character in Unity. I can change her facial expressions and have her wiggle about.

I'd call this week a success! I got a lot of learning done that can apply to future projects.

2: What's Next? = Prototyping Simple Gameplay

My aim for next week is seeing if I can tie these bone-based animations to some simple player interactions. 

I originally had planned this to be just an art test. But I think our cute mouse could stand to get a tiny game in its own right.

I'm going to spend next week prototyping player interactions. If all goes well I should be able to deliver some cute reactions to Mouse Boss having her feet teased! 

I'd love to hear what you think of this development. :D

As always, you can catch me on the Kangaroo Games Discord, or feel free to ping me a message here on Patreon if you have any questions. :)




This looks amazing, an awesome start to this venture ;)

AD Lebourreau

So impatient to tease her little soles :3

Zeneeta (Dai Kina) (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-22 18:18:23 Such pretty feet of such pretty girl definitely deserve a lot of tickling until she beg and scream~ <3
2020-03-12 19:27:11 Such pretty feet of such pretty girl definitely deserve a lot of tickling until she beg and scream~ <3

Such pretty feet of such pretty girl definitely deserve a lot of tickling until she beg and scream~ <3

caroo (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-22 18:18:23 And beg, scream and squeal she will. &gt;:3
2020-03-12 19:35:11 And beg, scream and squeal she will. >:3

And beg, scream and squeal she will. >:3