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Hi everyone! :)

It's been a productive week! Come and take a look. :D

1: Don't forget, we have a discord

If you'd like more up to date developments then just once a week, don't forget to link your Patreon account to your discord account, which will give you access to my Game Dev Discord channel if you're supporting at the $10 or more level.

2: This Weeks Progress

As stated in last weeks roundup, the goal of this week was to prototype getting in some simple gameplay.

And I think we succeeded there! :D 

I've got both this 10 second gif to share. And a full 1:15min video that you can access here:


In total we currently have:

- Tickling Tessa with one hand on either foot.

- Tickling Tessa with both hands on both feet.

- A blush system that increases the blush on her soles and cheeks the more you tickle her.

- Some input gameplay where you have to rapidly click on her feet to increase the intensity of the hand tickling.

- You can boop her nose and take off her glasses. Because why not!

Also, just as a disclaimer. All that you currently see is just first passes. Obviously there's a lot of polish to be done in areas like animations and blending them together.

3: What's Next? = Brush and Pick Tickling

My goal for next week is to explore making the two other tickle tools I had made art for, that being a paintbrush and a tickling pick.

What I want to try and do is give each tool it's own gameplay mechanic. The gameplay should feel fun to do, also feel like they're tied to the actions you do with the tools.

I think Tessa has turned into a really nice first project. There's a lot to learn and work with here in making a fun tickling game.


I'd love to hear what you think of the new tickling mechanic. :D

As always, you can catch me on the Kangaroo Games Discord, or feel free to ping me a message here on Patreon if you have any questions. :)



The tickling mechanic is awesome, I can't wait to try this out :D