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Hi everyone,

A heads up and explanation that there wont be any weekly roundup this week.

This week was both a time and emotional roller-coaster for two events (Which as of today has passed and I'll be back to normal next week.)

1: Parent Hospital Scare

Me and my siblings had a medical scare with my Dad. He was in hospital for just under 2 weeks and when he arrived right up until Wednesday we where told he had weeks to live due to kidney damage.

As of his discharge that diagnosis had changed to "Take these medications and start taking care of yourself. We'll circle back in 6 weeks."

This is ultimately good news of course but the emotional process and time spent in traveling too and from the hospital made it hard to work this week.

2: Home Purchasing Stress

The other event was that I'm currently trying to purchase a home. I had found and gotten into a contract with one but the home and pest inspection on the weekend revealed too many major defects under the house that couldn't be seen on normal inspection.

A lot of time this week was spent trying to negotiate and research what the costs would be. Once again being a time sink that couldn't be waited on due to contract deadlines.

In the end I was able to make a well informed choice and I cancelled the home sale contract. It wasn't painless and I lost about $1100 in building inspection and legal fees as well as lost time on research and price discovery, but on the other hand I didn't accidently purchase a bomb for my first house. So overall a good outcome given a bad situation.

Thankfully both of these events are past. I'm taking a month off looking at houses and next week will be back onto focusing on Coco animations.

Thank you all for your understanding and your support.

  • Caroo



Understandable. Good to hear it turned out for the best and can relate to the stress and emotions when someone is in the hospital. Houses are a big decision so take it seriously and choose wisely. Take care and time to get things in order.

John Sludge

I just wanna let you know that you're absolutely allowed to take a break for exhausting things like family health crises and house hunting. You don't owe us anything for what you're dealing with, but we appreciate you being specific about that stuff.


Thanks John. I do manage my stress and time well. I do like to declare what's going on just for the sake of professionalism. I think it helps!