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Hi everyone!

It'll be a short weekly roundup today as there's not too much to show that's visual. But let's get into it!

1: What's New?

So all of this week was spent on the back-end logic and the UI layout for the "Camp Builder" feature of the camp. Pretty much 99% of the week was in unity plotting out logic state machines and the like.

(Forgive the lack of new art and the reuse of the character model, more camp artwork is being made next week.)

The camp builder is where the player goes to upgrade all the structures in the camp. That includes:

The Loremaster: Upgrade the gallery UI to expose more information.

Item Shop: Unlock more powerful items to purchase and use.

Gear Dealer: Upgrade to expand the gear the dealer can unlock and upgrade. (this replaces exp level-ups.)

Tower Portal: Upgrade the portal to allow the Bindmancer to delve deeper into the dungeons!

So the builder is where all the materials the player collects in the dungeon get spent!

All this work included minor UI refinements to the item shop and gear screen as well. In particular showing off what shop level it's currently at. 

What this all does mean is that all the UI screens and their associated logic are now present in the Camp. It would be very, very rough and unbalanced to play but the full feature loop of the camp is now present in-game.

2: What's Next?

Next week is going to be focused on making lots and lots of art assets for the UI screens for the camp. I've got other characters to draw for their portraits for instance. 

There a lot more temp art to do and game balancing. But we're in the final weeks before I can get a version of this out to you all.


- Caroo



John Sludge

Take my money!