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Kevin Sharbaugh

I apologize up-front for the vampire lore geekery that follows... Can vampires walk on walls/ceilings? Sure, why not? *shrugs* It comes with their being mythological with little in the way of hard facts... it's not like The Lion King where there was actual African wildlife on which to base the characters upon. The incidence of vampires is so widespread that the lore varies widely by region (for instance, in Russia, vampires have metal teeth with which to chew their way out of their coffins). It gets even hazier when you get into dedicated works of fiction which, themselves, vary just from dramatic license alone. In the novel, Dracula scaled walls like a lizard, handled objects like a normal person (though with 20x human strength) and the only effect of sunlight was that it robbed him of the ability to change his form. In THIS he walked on walls like Spiderman, had telekinesis, and would burn up in sunlight though could still become a bat. And as far as the ridiculous addition of sparkling in the Twilight series... in all honesty that's not any more ridiculous than some of the actual lore. In some parts of the Balkins, people would toss mustard seeds onto the rooves of their houses with the belief that a vampire would be irresistibly compelled to count every last miniscule seed before it could enter the house, running out of time before the sun would rise and they'd have to return to their grave.