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News of the heist got out very quickly. The ISB emergency meeting after the heist where the head honcho starts talking about "retaliatory contingency plans" means the Empire is about to become a lot more brutal and repressive to the galaxy because of this. Also, notice how the Imperial Senate is very empty, meaning the Emperor has consolidated so much political power that the Senate is basically becoming useless. When the senators start clamoring and ignoring Mon Mothma (you see those 2 senators walk out) its because everyone is reading the news that Aldhani was attacked, which is what Mon Mothma sees when she looks at her news tablet thing. Absolutely brilliant.

Caleb Seeber

It's like Star Wars but with consequences from being shot.


Tons of Easter Eggs you missed in the background in Luthen’s shop on his shelves from previous episodes. You can see them in the episode recap as well. Jedi and Sith Holocrons. A Tablet from the World between Worlds. Some Indiana Jones relics. Force Unleashed game Starkiller armor. Plo Kloon breathing mask. Go back and check it out. Keep an eye out. It’s wild 👍