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Graeme McLaren


MattD Goat

Time to watch this reaction of mid. (It’s ok primate will make the finale enjoyable)

Josh Baker

So, for what it's worth- I have issues with the way this story went down, but I have to say: That scene where Obi-wan tells Leia about Anakin and Padme, making peace with the fact that Anakin *was* a good person and choosing to see things from a different perspective, is one of my favorites if not my favorite. Leia and Luke truly are the best of both of their parents and that scene makes me tear up every time.


Something cool with the part when the mask is exposed is in this episode when Obi-Wan breaks off the right side of the Vader mask, and in the twilight of the apprentice, Ahsoka breaks off the left side of his mask. Also, when you hear half Vader voice and half Anakin in sw rebels, it was half Vader voice and half clone wars anakin voice actor Matt Lanter, but in the obi-wan show, it was half vader and half Hayden, so i guess this is the closest to live action twilight of apprentice


I don't think Reva wanted to kill the kids to piss of vader, I think it was more of her being angry and it was the only thing she could do to get revenge, or vengeance for her fellow younglings. Also Vader is a 10 feet MACHINE, hes survived worse than a couple of bolders, I know i'm probably defending the show a bit too much and I know it definetely has it problems, but in the end of the day it was a really good show.

Andrew Clifton

I'm mostly in line with your thoughts. This was my least favorite of the Star Wars series but the last 2 episodes were great. My 2 biggest complaints though - 1. As someone who's combat life saver certified I don't get why someone would wrap an abdominal wound like that after that much time over their clothes lol. You gotta pack the wound then wrap it. 2. Why wouldn't Vader just take his ship to get Obi Won then send the Grand Inqusitor after the rest. The fight scene with Obi and Vader was epic and Obi is so strong it doesn't take much for him to get back. I loved O'shea Jackson Jr (Ice Cubes son) in Den of Thievs and Straight Outta Compton. His acting seemed a bit wrong in this but maybe it was the writing. Same with the 3rd sister. I wasn't impressed with the cheesey moments from her either but maybe your right and it's the writing. I'm an optimistic person who tries hard to give anything the benefit of the doubt. I even liked a lot of stuff in The Force Awakens and Rise of Skywalker lol. Still a great show overall though. I agree with what someone said in the last one. I liked BOBF more watching it with you a second time and this less so. I can't wait for Andor. Your gonna love it.

Andrew Clifton

Agreed. Also, knowing how Lea is in general makes sense why she was such a pain in this lol.

Creighton Cook

There’s so much negativity and fans constantly complaining about anything and everything, so your outlook on Star Wars is such a breath of fresh air. You acknowledge that there are some bad things that do exist within Star Wars, but you choose to focus on the positive things. You are what Star Wars fans should be.

Andrew Clifton

Exactly. I see so many hating on BOB and Kenobi so much. Not everything has to be perfect. Idk why people can't go into things optimistic. Instead they pick everything apart. Like what's the point of even watching something then.

David L Pickard

I'm one of the (seemingly) few that loves the sequel trilogy. I can absolutely acknowledge there are some glaring flaws, but this is also a fictional universe made for families/kids and some take it far too seriously. I try to just enjoy and be entertained by what we get. This show I think could have been done better in parts (looking at you Leia chase seen through forest and shooting the gate in ep. 3), but I still enjoy what it contributes to the overall mythos.

David L Pickard

There are so many cool details with this episode: Main one which I think no one else here has brought up, but while both his master and apprentice faced him and brought out a bit of Anakin, it wasn't until his son did to convince him to renounce being a Sith, showing that the Jedi were wrong to forbid attachment/love. There's also Leia's theme from Empire Strikes Back playing when he's talking to her near the end which is cool. The idea that Vader and Palpatine are constantly lying through their teeth to each other carries on. Leia knowing "Ben's" true name and therefore using it in her hologram to beg him for help in the original movie; I could go on but I forgot a lot of the ones I wanted to mention lol. Anyway it was solid!

Roland The Gunslinger

Kenobi was a really good show. Sadly full of crying haters, but a really good show overall.