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bruhh i just showed my girl this movie the other day lmaoo


The only reason I ever saw this movie was because it was discounted on Google Play Movies at the time, I think I only paid 1.99€ for it or so. I remember it being immensely strange. Time to rewatch it with you to see if I remember it correctly.

Christopher Larimer

Thanks for your reaction Primate! Fun fact, the girl with the pink hair that Andrew puked on (Monica) is actually his wife in real life. The actor for Andrew also played Green Goblin in The Amazing Spider-Man 2.


uhm coming from someone who has lovedd chronicle since 2012 and is still waiting, idk if we will get a second movie they keep talking about it and then it goes dead silent or they say its cancelled idk, I still have my hopes up, plus imagine how much better the cgi would be now, ugh a dream! (need more sci-fi movies)

Nicholas Mormino

You gotta check out Cloverfield. Its got a found footage style like this one


frr. also, not sure if anyone else was having this issue, or if you just had a different copy of the movie than i did (dont think there is multiple but im not sure) but it kept getting out of sync when i was watching, maybe every 20-30 minutes or so i found that i was a few minutes ahead of your reaction even though i didnt pause anything the whole time.


Oh yea I totally forgot to follow up on this lol. I don't actually really remember why I originally found it strange. It was a pretty good movie!