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Sorry for the late post, internet still down



Andrew Clifton

Sweet!!!! Do you know about when Bad Batch will be up tonight?

Jaysee Parvool

Whenever u have a free movie slot u should watch All About The Benjamin’s. It’s one funny ass movie

Chase Izidoro

Internet don’t wanna see us winning

Andrew Clifton

Hell yea. An all Star Wars night tonight. Episode 1 and 2 episodes of Bad Batch. I'm doing these like I did the end of Clone Wars and Rebels where I wait till Tuesday and watch em both b2b.


Man I just love these movies so freaking much. After watching clone wars we instantly start looking for recognizable characters like Ora Sing


Sabe the one that dressed up as padme is a great character and very devoted to Padme even after Padme's death. You gotta check out the Vader comics my G


Actually.... Watto wasn't a good master to poor little Ani... 😬🥲


here's a question i dont think youve answered yet, whats your ranking of 1-6 from most to least favorite?

Andrew Clifton

Bro I think this every time I watch the prequels. What if they didn't go to Tatooine, or went to a different shop. What if Quigon lived. Amazing reaction. 2 things you missed 1. Aurra Sing can be seen watching the pod race from a ledge. She is one of the best bounty hunters in all of Star Wars. She is the one the ran with Boba and tried to assassinate Padame. 2. Master Piell can be seen at the end when Anakin and Obi are up there celebrating the victory. He was captured with Tarkin at that prison amd Anakin, Ahsoka and some Clones went to rescue them bc they knew the Nexus route. He's the one with pointy ears and the scar on one eye. Can't wait till episode 2.

Andrew Clifton

I wouldn't say he was a good master but he did treat them better than a great many slaves.


Just a couple easter eggs.. during the Jar Jar - Sebulba confrontation on Tatooine you can see Quinlan Vos in the background. (the jedi we see help Obi Wan track Ziro the Hutt in Clone Wars). And during the Pod Race we can see a shot of Aurra Sing, the female bounty hunter who trained Boba in Clone Wars.

David L Pickard

I remember seeing the trailer for this on TV when I was 7 years old and losing my mind at the "Anakin Skywalker, meet Obi-Wan Kenobi"scene they included in it. I was already a huge fan of the OT even being that young and that blew my mind and got me so excited for this movie to come out so it still hits me in the feels just like it did for you this time around

David L Pickard

Also: I don't think Qui-Gon always knew Padme was the queen - I've always interpreted that glance to Obi-Wan as something like, "Wow, even we got played". For what it's worth, you may have gotten comments about this before but when Keira Knightley and Natalie Portman were in the queen makeup on set, even their own mothers supposedly couldn't tell them apart.

David L Pickard

One last thing (sorry lol): in the last scene where they show several members of the Jedi Council on Naboo at the celebration, when they pan down in the shot where Yoda is, on his right is Evan Peel, the one who died during the Citadel rescue in Clone Wars. Right above Yoda is Depa Billaba, who is Kanan/Caleb Dume's master.


Does my best Palpy impersonation: Have you ever wondered the tragic tale of Jar Jar Binks? Beyond the movies and tv shows I mean... It's not one the fans would tell lightly... https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Jar_Jar_Binks%27s_father#:~:text=The%20father%20of%20Jar%20Jar,of%20comic%20story%20%22George%20R. And https://www.cultureslate.com/explained/what-happened-to-jar-jar-binks-after-revenge-of-the-sith#:~:text=Jar%20Jar%20was%20ultimately%20another,living%20as%20a%20silly%20clown.