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star wars 2.mp4



Nice i know what i do now

Daniel R

So much happens in this one, it's crazy how much is set up for the final film. Love this trilogy :)


Victory? Victory you say? Master Obi-Wan? The Shroud of the dark side has fallen...begun the Clone War has.


That setup looks dope bro! Looking good. I’m so glad you decided to watch Star Wars, the sequels for me are still meh, but they can be enjoyable. I think you will really Iove/hate Episode 3 though. It’s one of those movies where it ends so tragically but it’s so tragic and ties up so much you still love it.

Daniel R

As for the boy you questioned on if he would grow up to be a Bounty Hunter, that's Boba Fett from the Original Trilogy. He fell into the Sarlaac Pit and is presumably dead

Daniel R

I can't wait for the full reaction. I think once Anakin and Padme head to Tatooine to rescue his mom it's a non-stop thrill ride. The arena fight is one of my favorite scenes in all of Star Wars.


I’m so excited for Episode 3! It’s easily my favorite out of the prequels and I think it ties everything in perfectly!

Silas Kane

Mentally prepare for the 3rd one.....it doesn't pull punches. :)


This isn't a spoiler since you've already seen it. The kid in this one... the one whose father is a bounty hunter is Boba Fett... the kid is Boba Fett from the OG trilogy. He is the bounty that put Han in carbonite and set him to Jabba da Hutt.

Kevin Anand

Ugh I shouldn't have watched this, because now I can't wait for episode 3.

Anthony Lucido

I’m surprised you didn’t go nuts when Mace Windu whips out the purple lightsaber. Since he uses form 7 vaapad. Which channels the dark side and the light together when fighting. So blue and red mixed together gives you purple. It’s imo the coolest lightsaber shown in the films hands down.


When will the full length be up?? I can’t wait to see your full reaction!!

The Montreal Colombiano

I know you just got a TV but unless you have like Bose Speakers bro, you need to put headphones for Episode 3... The music is literally the best out of all the movies... just a suggestion. But can't WAIT!!!


Yoda is the man! They say that he is the best light saber duelist in the galaxy and Dooku is a close second. Anakin's own light saber skill are also noteworthy. They actually have 7 different styles of light saber fighting, there's a video on youtube that explains it, just search light saber styles. Great reaction as always! I don't think Anakin is bad even in this film he is just passionate. That passion eventually does consume him, but it is because he cares too much ironically that he falls to the dark side. If you enjoyed the light saber fights so far just wait for Episode 3 ha ha ha!


So excited for the full length reaction 😄


The kid who picked up his Dads helmet is Boboa Fett

Robert Reichle

Watching Star Wars on a big screen is a great idea. No little screens should exist for important movies.


you need to react to the Robot chicken star wars episodes after watching revenge of the sith!🤣

Philipp Lembens

"i am smart as fuck, these fools cant trick me" haha, just gotta love your confidence


Just so we can clear it up! I'm surprised no one else has said anything they arent storm troopers. They are clones! Storm troopers are actual individual people who willingly join the empireal army not made in a lab! I def thought they were 1st time I saw it though


I think a small group of stormtroopers in the empire are still clones, but yh nearly all of them just people that joined it.


Need I say again 😁


I love all the prequels but the upcoming one (revenge of the sith) is next level good


So a little backstory since you've now seen this movie. The bounty hunter that got his head cut off by windu. That was Jango Fett. The kid who was mourning him was his son..who was Boba Fett..who you saw in the original trilogy. So that was kinda a little backstory for ya there. now it's kinda funny, Jango did more shit and said more shit than Boba did in the original trilogy lmao but if you read some light comics, Boba's a bad-ass man. Alsssooo. You definitely have to check out the Clone Wars TV show, the first season starts off as a little kiddish, as it was a kids show..but dude...it gets ddaaarrk lol. There's alot of context and lore you'll be provided for the clone wars, even lore between the events of episodes 3-4 it's really good man, the last 2 seasons are just...movie quality. Trust me, i wasn't sure when the show first came out but man it's so good. I dunno when you can check it out, my best guess is to probably check the show out after you're done all these movies, that way you're not switching back from movie..to tv show episode and kinda forgetting what's happened lol. But it's up to you, i think alot of people here would love to see watch/react to the show, it's good man. As well as the Mandalorian TV show. Buuut nevertheless, this episode was kinda iffy with me, when i was younger, i used to always just skip through half the movie and just skip to the fight scenes, that shit was dope. And i think you absolutely will love episode 3.


I recommend watching the shows in order of release so watch clone wars after 3 and rebels after that. Both insanely good.

Chicko Perez

No, sticking to the main story is better. The extra shows and films should be watched after.


Thanks for the tips man I really wanna do the clone wars tv show but wasn’t sure if it’d be okay to do it when I haven’t seen 7,8,9 yet


yeh it's kinda of a either option works, i'm just trying to say that it's a good show and should be watch, but he doesn't have to watch it until all the movies are done, that way he isn't confused, but if he wants lore and wants it in the time-line, then the clone wars should be watched between.


no worries man, it's kinda a tough one to choose, cause in time-line wise, it makes sense to watch the clone wars show between episodes 2-3. But you could definitely react to the show while inbetween doing the movies as well. The other option would be to watch the movies and then go back and watch all the shows after. There is really no wrong option here, it's really what it comes down..is what works out best for you. But cheers man, there's soooo much lore, you've only begun to scrape the barrel, the more you learn, the more fascinated you will be, 100%. And in terms of it not being okay to watching it before episodes 7 8 and 9, the show era doesn't take place in 7 8 and 9's era, and it never even makes a reference to it, so you wouldn't be getting early spoiled at it. If anything, it eludes to alot of stuff that happens in the original trilogy, which is even further followed up on by the Rebels TV show. But as i've said, it's really your call at the end of the day, there's no wrong option here. Do what makes you more comfortable, we'll all respect it in the end! :}. Also 1 more little tip/head-bit so that you know a bit more lore, going into episode 3. Count Dooku is one of the best duelists around, which is why he was able to beat both Obi-wan and Anakin, i think in terms of dueling, he's like top 3....if we're not talking old republic era..of course haha. But main story, he's one of the best duelists around, which also explains why he was able to hold his own against Yoda who is a jedi master and one of the strongest there is. Doesn't mean, he can't be beat, but that he is really good at dueling.

christopher heckel

Another great reaction may I recommend after the next film watch the clone wars anime start with the movie and then the 5 seasons it will give you a in depth look at the clone wars and will lead up into events of the 3 rd film