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hunger games catching fire full.mp4



Okay, you said i wouldn’t be banned so here goes my long ass fangirl comment. I am not restating all the stuff other people have commented on. Snow meant what he said in the beginning at Katniss’s house. He’s not lying to Katniss. He doesn’t want to kill her at the beginning. He wants her as an ally. He knows the country is in a very fragile spot and what Katniss does or doesn’t do will make all the difference. But he felt like she didn’t convince him or anyone else that she was really in love with Peeta. The old man in district 11 wasn’t just paying tribute. Katniss said Rue was too young, and she couldn’t save her. And the old man validated her. Katniss was unwittingly feeding the rebellion that had already started. I adore Effie so much. She came from the Capitol and just doesn’t understand what it is like to be from the districts. Capitol residents don’t have to compete in the games or send their children to the games because they were the victors in the war. And they are taught at a very young age that people from the districts are savages and deserve the games. Effie doesn’t get it. Until she does. Once Effie understands, she is a fierce supporter. “They don’t want someone pregnant going there”. The people from the Capitol don’t want any of their victors going there. They Capitol folk LOVE their victors. The pregnancy was just a stroke of brilliance from Peeta. In the books, when Peeta hit the force field and Finnick was saving him, Katniss was NOT HAVING IT and didn’t understand what he was doing and tried to fight him. She didn’t understand CPR but Finnick does. He’s from district 4. The water district. He has obviously had to revive people before. Katniss isn’t trying to send mixed signals to either Peeta or Gale. What is done on camera is clearly being done for the camera and because Snow told her she has to or her family will die. But also, Katniss is finding out there are different forms of love. Does she romantically love the boy she has known and hunted with since childhood who is her best friend, or does she love the person who makes her heart flutter and tries protect her with his own life and offers to sit with the injured Gale while Katniss rests? Until she figures it out, what’s wrong with figuring it out? She hasn’t and doesn’t promise them anything. But first and foremost, how she feels about either of them is not the most important thing in her life. They are way way down the list after her family, what’s going on in the country, Snow’s hatred of her, and how to stay alive.


I can't wait for your reaction to the next film! Hopefully you won't let people negatively influence your opinion on it too much (it nearly happened to me back when it came out). It's very important to the message of the series and it's personally my favorite after Catching Fire!