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Hey, everyone!

I know I worried you this week but I came to let you know that I am feeling much better. 

I am at 90% of my potential.

I was really scared of these infections I had, it was one month of infection after infection, and I suffered a lot from it. I'm glad it's finally over, but I'll have to do some tests to check my health and take some precautions from now on.

My immunity went down because I didn't eat well for 15 days, I was busy with projects and personal issues and I put my nutrition aside (please, eat well). Considering that I am not sedentary, I like to do sports and exercise and rarely get sick. I thought everything was fine.

This behavior earned me a month of infections and 10 days of forced rest.

I was very happy with the messages and comments I received from you, and it helped me to stay happy even when I was sick. Thank you for your incredible support, I can say with certainty that it made a difference.

Thank you very very very much!

Now that I feel better, I can pick up where I left off, and let's hope I pick up the pace quickly so the chapters come out faster. 



That's so good you're feeling better 💜 don't over work yourself now trying to catch up, we understand!

Chaz H

So happy to hear that you're feeling much more like yourself again. That being said, please don't rush your return to the comic. I'd rather you made a disciplined return. You might, for instance, consider putting out an updated character profile chart. You could also put out some fan service type stuff. The important thing is for you to get back to 100 percent. Stay hydrated.


Thanks for the tips, I am trying not to force my body. I enjoy doing the comic and so I end up forcing my body without realizing it. Thank you for worrying about me. I'm keeping myself hydrated. <3