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Hello everybody! I am sorry to tell you that I am sick. I have been facing fever, aches and pains and other symptoms for a week now.
The month of March was not very good for me as I had a cycle of infections. I have been treating myself for 7 days and have not been able to work properly during this time.

I understand that you may be anxious about the story and I am sorry for that, believe me I am as sad about it as you are. There are things that are not under my control.

I will rest and treat myself and then return to the production of the story as normal.

I am sorry again.
Thank you for all the care and love.



No need to apologize, this happens to us nd it’s nothing we can do. Just get some rest 🥰

Chaz H

I'm sorry you've had such a rough time. If you don't start to feel better in the next couple of days, please seek medical attention. Your health and well being will always be more important than the comic.


I've rested a lot and now I feel better to pick up where I left off. Thank you so much for the support. ❤


The day I made this post I went to a doctor to find out about my health, and he prescribed me a dozen remedies to take care of myself. I also had an injection and intravenous therapy. After that, I started to improve periodically. Thank you for caring about me.