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The Good Place | Season 2 EPISODE 2 | Commentary (Early Access)



Agreed, the only thing I can fault this episode for is that they glossed over the attempts where Tahani and a dog were Eleanor's soulmates WAY too quickly.


Yeaaaah. It says something that the writers were like 'nah we got some good shit coming, we don't need to go into that'. 👀 like WHAT?! Idc show me 😂

Crystal Racklyeft

Yay, I've been looking forward to your reaction to this episode! Definitely one of my favourites, I love that you called it twice that the episode would be a bunch of reboots, and that Michael would want to team up with them by the end. Also the "JASON figured it out?? Yeah this one hurts." Would have also loved to see your reaction to all the Janet resets too lol, just overall a great episode.