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End of the year is nite! But with every ending, there is a new beginning, and with that, 2024 awaits!!

Many things have been happening behind the curtains, my sailors. I think it is time to share the good, the bad, and the important news of our journey, both for our current course and the journey ahead. For that, I will try to go point by point and straight to each of them, and in order of importance.  (Please stick until the end, for I would like to extend my wishes for a beautiful year to come! ❤️❤️❤️)

I. Farewell to our rigger 🍻

After years of cooperation and learning great techniques and workflows together, we must say goodbye to Apulsauce, the rigger behind every CptPopcorn animation.

A week ago, Apulsauce decided that this journey had come to an end for him, forcing us to depart ways. From our side, we wish him the very best and hope that he finds what he is looking for =)

Unfortunately for us, it leaves us in a very compromised position, in which we won't be able to provide animations the way we used to, and we understand the key reward my sailors are aboard for is, indeed, Animations. Therefore--

II. --We are Pausing Patreon Billing ⏸️

Since January, we will be pausing CptPopcorn Patreon for an undetermined amount of time, and your card won't be charged.

This is because of two reasons:
    1. We won't be able to deliver quality animations in a short amount of time until we find a new rigger willing to work on our spicy popcorn.
    2. I have decided to see this as an opportunity instead of an obstacle to finish the first public build for Soulgasm's demo and get it ready for all my Seekers' hands and, eventually, my Sailors.

You won't be charged for staying aboard, but you will keep receiving updates, posts, art, and benefits! Just bear in mind this Cap'n will be focusing mostly on Soulgasm's production.

III. We are looking for Live2D Riggers! ✨🌹✨

With a new vacancy in our team, we are looking for riggers willing to learn the spicy ways of the popcorn, and for that, if you know someone who could be a good fit, please do point us in their way. I am very open to new talent and happy to check their work!

IV. In case of not finding the help we need-- 🥀

--Much to my dismay, I will be taking the time to learn the missing pieces of the software and getting to rig each animation artwork from scratch by myself. This will be the case also if Soulgasm doesn't succeed in sustaining itself, which I would much rather prefer, since creating our game and universe is a much more fun, engaging, and rewarding task.

V. What if Soulgasm experiences an unexpected surge in popularity? 🔮😱🔮

That would be the best-case scenario for this captain! Yet this will definitely not be the end of CptPopcorn's journey, for I have ambitious plans for the future of our ship! So, if that happens to be the case, I want to invite you all to stay in touch with the things to come!!!

One thing is for sure: we will never quit our journey and wish for top-notch spicy content and carefully crafted stories! We are here for the long run, me hearties!!

VI. A lovely surprise is about to get out of the oven! 🍬🎁🍫

It was mentioned some time ago that this Cap'n has been preparing a little surprise for all my Sailors and Seekers! And we feel confident that it is almost ready to be delivered to yer hands!! So get ready for a little something to come in the next couple of days/weeks, my lovely ones!

VII. New Year's Eve!! 🎉🥳🎊

Finally, thank you for reaching the end of this post, my beautiful sailors. This journey has had its very ups and very downs, and despite all that, I can count on one thing as certain: your most amazing presence, and incredible support. We've reached this far thanks to you, and for that, I am forever grateful ❤️❤️❤️

Though times have gotten tough lately, I will do what it takes and make it worth it for every single sailor of mine to stay on this journey. Over here at CptPopcorn, at Soulgasm, or anywhere you are to follow this Cap'n; I will do what it takes to never let you down 🥰🥰🥰

And with that, I want to wish you all an unforgettable End of the Year and an even better beginning to the one to come! You deserve the best and the best you shall receive! I shall raise a glass and make a wish for my whole beautiful crew tonight!

🥂🍻Here goes for 2024, full of energy, happiness, and health!!🍻🥂





Big big hugs to you and yours!


I hope you find a new, talented rigger to collaborate with. Frankly, I’m fine with your paintings, but I understand people might prefer having animations. Anyway, I hope you have a happy new year and I look forward to the future.

Liz Miller

What does this mean for me if I literally just started my first membership 🥲🤦🏼‍♀️


That means that your card won't be billed, but you can stay around for art and updates until this Cap'n is back full-time!


does anyone have recommendation for what to do if you are running Mac OS instead of windows. I cannot open a .exe


We could make it work in CrossOver app for Mac! The colors were off but before we have a Mac version that could be a workaround 🙏