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I'm not a furry... but--

MY SAILORS! We all knew Fearne is and has always been pure fire, but knowing the latest events, we now take that meaning to a whole other level!

Her appearance was always something to be in awe of. However, now, like your friendly neighborhood pokemon, she has evolved 😱😱😱

I asked you about Fearne and Ashton becoming a thing in the past, and the idea found a lot of resistance; yet, what do you think of it now, my lovely mateys? Is Callowmoore the ship you would like to see? It would for sure be a very interesting mix of hardness and colors 🙈🙈🙈

Also, though I know Fearne has massive mogumbos, I wanted to ask you if you think their size right now fits her; this Cap'n is always exploring different shapes and proportions to provide the best possible booty, which you deserve!! 🥰🥰🥰

And finally! I will be uploading one last post talking about the plans ahead on this gorgeous ship! Please stay in touch so you can stay in the loop, me hearties!! So, this Cappy gets a chance to wish you a wonderful end of the year and an even better beginning of the one that's to come!



Listening: Terryfold (Chaos Chaos ft. Justin Roiland)

Thinking: Is it normal to feel a bit nervous about the end of the year?

Feeling: Somewhat energized--Excited about the future!




I'm still firmly in the Callowmoore camp. I always love my ladies well proportioned, too big of a bust without a semi-matching frame seems off to me


You are my hero, sir XD


I like big breasts as much as the next man but these are way too big for me. Waist is also too small. Her hips and butt looks great though.


Id said breasts a little smaller and waist perhaps a bit bigger. Her ass could be a tad bigger but its also great right now too


This is perfect, she's absolutely gorgeous. 12/10