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Ahoy there, Captain!
I hope this letter finds you well and your spirit as high as the crow's nest on a clear day. Speaking of clear, I wish I could say our journey has been as crystal as a mermaid's scales, but alas, it hasn't been the case.
As you may have noticed, the deck has been lacking in sailors lately. But fear not, for it hasn't been the work of those sneaky mist-mermaids we encountered on our last voyage. No, this time we have found a stowaway on board. A cheeky one, too.
Now, let me tell you, she wasn't like any stowaway I've ever come across. She was stark naked, with a dark aura surrounding her. It was as if she had crawled out of the depths of Davy Jones' locker itself. And the crown on her head, it was as black as the heart of a traitor.
But that's not all, Captain. When we first laid eyes on her, we couldn't look away. Her gaze was as intense as a storm brewing on the horizon. And those tears of joy she shed when she saw us, they were darker than the depths of the Fartacus Trench.
I managed to sneak away to write this letter to you, but I must make haste and check on my mates. It seems this stowaway has more in store for us, and I fear we are in for a wild ride. Wish us luck, Captain, for we may need it.
Fair winds and following seas,
yer first matey.

P.S. If we don't make it out of this alive, I hope someone finds this letter and realizes I was a damn good sailor with a sense of humor to boot.


'Oh, be damn these stowaways and apparitions! Always getting a ride for free. At least this one seems to be paying in spice, keeping the morale and spirit of the crew high!'

Yet what can this Cap'n say? There isn't such a thing as too many good butties, so let's embrace this one aboard!

Come to think about it, what a better opportunity than having the gorgeous Opal entertaining these fine sailors? Now that she took a bit of a dark turn, onto our ship she goes once again and be ready to take care of such thirsty sailors!! 

Brace yourself, me hearties! And I hope you don't mind the creepiness looming out of her eyes; I can assure you, she be quite horny nevertheless 🍿😂👌


Listening: Some dark stories to not fall asleep tonight. These creepy tales are certainly doing their job 😱😱😱

Feeling: Painting certainly makes this Cap'n feel better 🥰🥰🥰

Thinking: How lucky I am of having such a gorgeous crew!! 😍😍😍



Travis A.

Duuuuuuuuuuuude, I'm so hype for Opal! Hot damn, total babe! <333


as stowaways go, you could find far worse in your holds =3


Boatswain Miller here, love your work and your dedication! Truly an honor to be aboard such a beautiful vessel Captain!


Absolutely! As a matter of fact, I think the entire crew ended up benefiting from this lil' apparition ;))


Welcome aboard, me hearty!! And it is such a gorgeous honor to have you being part of this crew of handsome sailors!! Let's make this adventure one to remember for ages, me hearty!! YAARGG!!