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Welcome to the second GrouPlay Poll, me hearties!

About the Poll 📝

Now, naturally, you might be wondering what this fuss is all about and what does this Cap'n mean by this being the second one? 

Let's address both questions at once!: On the emergency poll where we collectively chose the best OnlyHeroes Leak angle (and after realizing how much I enjoyed painting more complex and populated illustrations), you sparked a wildfire in this mad mind of mine; what if we created a new category where we get to explore more people together with a theme in particular?

That was an insta-yes for me! 

It seems this was a breath of fresh air as well for this captain, because many ideas for new pieces popped directly into my mind, taking me totally by surprise! So I hope you like the initiative, my sailors because I would love to bring more of these in the future 😍😍😍

About the Pieces 🎨

I've heard rumors that certain icons of each and every campaign have gathered together into a massive explosive reunion! And what better way to celebrate it than to bring each of the characters from their respective creators having a bit of a group picture together? ;))

I couldn't think of a better idea! Hihihi

Hence we got the L and M icons, (guess why such codes 👀👀👀). To which the L's ladies happen to have a ladies' tea meeting at the top of the Whitestone tower, and M's ladies--well--let's just say that they decided to take things a bit to the limit without much care about the circumstances 🤭🤭🤭


I am so very happy to see that the quality of the artwork brewed aboard this ship keeps increasing, mostly when it comes to trying new palettes and ideas! I am also SO very excited about exploring new kinks and becoming a tad-tad edgier!

Yet none of this wouldn't be and wouldn't have been possible without the incredible patience you've had with me for the past months, and also thanks to your fantastic and tasteful suggestions throughout this whole journey we've had together so far!

Luckily enough, after a rough and dark storm, peace and hope tends to prevail =)



Would love to see scenes like this animated in the future, as well as past illustrations like Marion and Jester


Oh what a choice Captain! So difficult to choose, you really do know how to spoil us


Not gonna lie, that would be quite hard, me matey. And would definitely take more than a month or two! But never say never ;)


Aww, thank you, me hearty! Yet worry not, for even better options and stories are coming to us very soon!! 🥰🥰🥰