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Ahoooooy, me mateys!!

Many of my gorgeous sailors have requested to bring more OCs and content from other universes and stories! On top of that, I've been told uncountable times that I should relax and take it a bit more easy, which I absolutely agree, and I am deeply grateful for your kindness, me hearties 🥰🥰🥰

This is why I started thinking that it would be a great idea to give myself a little treat every now and then for bringing a piece of my choice (Though I must admit, the suggestions you share almost on a daily basis ab-so-lutely do guide the choice for my little treat piece! So don't hesitate to bring your ideas to the deck, my gorgeous lanterns 😍😍😍)

And we shall name such a surprise piece as... You guessed!: The Captain's Treat!!

This will help yer crazy ol' seadog to keep the mind healthy and the soul fresh! Yet I am also thinking about one more special treat for you, me hearties!:

What would you say if we had an OC-dedicated poll for ourselves besides the CR content we already create?? A poll where we shall only have the Original Characters of the Cap'n to choose from! And as you might know from experience, things might get wild there! 🎨👀👌

Please let me know what you think and if you are not interested! I am always looking for new ways to make your experience aboard the best possible one!! Let's do this together for an unforgettable adventure ahead!!



Listening: Just a Taste (Arcane OST) 

Thinking: Who would have thought that waking up early makes you so productive? 🤔

Feeling: Sleepy but happy 🎨🥰💤




LETS GOOOOOO, Jinx best Arcane girl. Also I think it's a great idea to put out some OC only polls now and then (partially because I have been saying I think it's a good idea for a while :P). I'm sure we all love the characters we are familiar with that you draw but you're OC's deserve just as much spotlight. :)


fuck i want to see an animation of her


Oh my god yes please! Thank you Captain! Thank you Captain!


Now all we need is a Jinx animation at some point ❤️

The Chain Warden

Anything that lets me see more of Farah and her glorious pink milkers gets a yes from me.


She looks lonely, you should have Ekko fix that!


Absolutely love this idea! I love your CR content, and I know a lot of us here came because of it. But I’d love if you could share more characters you personally want to draw!


Perfect. Looks great, love to see some girls with smaller tits!


I'd love the occasional OC dedicated poll!


Some OC polls would definitely be awesome!


I love that you're bringing in more OC:s and this is a great idea. The polls though, not so much a great idea. I'm saying this because the polls here have a tendency of being incredible boring and one-sided. Not talking about the options, talking about the FANS here who always vote for the same character/couple over and over....Like jesus, we need some variety. EDIT: They could work if you just don't put the same characters twice in a row for polls.


Captain, you murder me. More Arcane forever please. Caitlyn and Vi please. But always more Jinx.


This is my new background wallpaper!! Love seeing new stuff like this!!


I always have and always will advocate for OC’s, they be good, much spice, moar please

John Folmer

I really enjoyed Arcane, it was an amazing show and it spoke to some part of me that seldom gets acknowledgement. Thanks for sharing this stunning art cptn!


Yes! I’m so down with some Arcane in here!


Woo! You made Jinx actually sexy-cute! Hard to do and you nailed it me capi! As for the OC idea, hell yeah! Sounds fun!


Gorgeous, never played league a day in my life but if you’re drawing it I don’t really care who it is


Absolutely amazing job! Really did everything justice, would love to see more OC's/ league going forward!


I think the OC poll is a fantastic idea! I always want to see more oc content but it feels like they dont get voted for as often as they should. So im all for an oc dedicated poll!!!


Hell yess Jinx. And Would definitely love to see a OC Poll! Your characters deserve some love too Cap’n 💯

Lucas Sierzega

I need more of Cap's jinx, damn! Also, an OC poll would be such a cool idea


That's a wonderful idea! This is best of both worlds!

Aiden Holm

An OC Poll, or even just an increase of OC's being posted in general, would be great! Because I always get the feeling that they get the least amount of votes in the polls, even though the posts don't underperform (atleast they don't seem to).


Sounds cool


Great piece. Nice to see smaller breasts sometimes


I'm a big fan of OCs, so a separate poll would be great!


Hihihi, I am very happy you think so, me hearty! Honestly, I am dying to try new thingies with our very OCs and other fanbases! So many stories to be told!!


Hihihi, I appreciate it so much, me hearty! I have so many stories I would love to share with the whole crew, and I am dying for bringing them to life!!


I am so happy you think so, me hearty! I can't wait to bring some OC ideas and stories to life for ye!! 😍😍😍


Hihihi, this is why I am planning to create another poll for OCs, so we get the chance to choose our favorite OCs separately from CR content and other fanart! I am so happy everyone is so positive about this because I am dying to bring our lovely ladies to life!! 🥰🥰🥰


Hihihi, it shall be my pleasure, my lovely sailor!! And let me spoil you a bit on what comes next: Check the Spoiler folder in November's JumboPack 🤭🤭🤭


Hihihi, I am so happy you like it this much, me hearty!! It is such an honor that you chose our lovely Jinx as wallpaper!! 🥰🥰🥰


Hihihi, thank you so much for your neverending support on this journey, me hearty! I honestly can't wait to bring more OC stories to life for you and the whole crew!! 😍😍😍 Thank you for being so awesome!!


Awww, I had the same feel to it, and the show truly shocked me in more than one way. First of all, it made me want to improve much further than the place were I am now, but honestly, the whole world they created is so rich and beautiful, I just can't take it out of my mind. It is such an honor to have this space for bringing these beautiful characters to life!! Thank you for making it happen!! 🥰🥰🥰


Hihihi, thank you so much, me hearty! And I am so happy you like her this much! I hope I will do justice to her next time she visits us on the ship ;))


Awww, you are too kind, me hearty!! Thank you so much for being such a lovely sailor of mine!! 🥰🥰🥰


Hihihi, it shall be such a pleasure to make that wish come true, me matey!! 😍😍😍


Hihihi, Let's do this, me hearty!! Thank you so much for your gorgeous support on the idea!! I am honestly dying for making some good OCs of ours and their stories come to life!!


Aww, thank you so much, me hearty! I am so lucky of having such supportive and lovely sailors like yourself! It shall be a great pleasure for this Cap'n to make that happen!! I shall make sure to bring only the best of the best to ye!! 🥰🥰🥰


Hihihi, and maaaaybe that's exactly what we shall get, me hearty!! 🤭🤭🤭 I am so happy you like the poll idea! It is going to be such a pleasure for me to bring our OCs and their stories to life!! We deserve them!! 😍😍😍


I couldn't agree more, me hearty! Moreover, I couldn't be happier about this! Because I am dying to bring our lovely OCs and their stories to life!! Just for you!! 😍😍😍


I absolutely agree, my lovely one!! And more are yet to come! 🤭🤭🤭


I LOVE that you are so supportive of the idea!! Because I can't wait to make more of our OCs to come alive with their kinks and stories!! We deserve them!! 🥰🥰🥰