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Ahoy, me hearties!

We keep evolving on many fronts!! I believe that all the fine sailors that are part of this beautiful crew deserve much, much more than this Cap'n already gives. Hence, I was wondering if you would be interested in receiving Devlog updates about Soulgasm!

I shall keep the Poll rather simple, so if the answer is yes, we can share a bit of the news without spoiling the fun for those that also decide to support Soulgasm 🥰🥰🥰

Things to take into consideration:
*Soulgasm's Patrons shall receive the news first and Soulgasm's exclusive content!
won't share Soulgasm's NSFW pieces or spoilers but will keep you updated on the game development!
This doesn't change CptPopcorn's delivery schedule, just the amount of coffee I shall consume to keep up 🍿😂👌

If ye don't have a clue what Soulgasm is, come and check it out, Right Here! 



I’m not subbed to thw Soulgasm patreon ($$ things, y’know) BUT I’d love to hear about your progress and support you with my enthusiasm at the least ! You’ve been so excited about it and I love to see it !


Oy me Cap, don't burn yourself out! I love the enthusiasm but don't stress it. If you post them, neat but don't feel you need to, okay? :3


Voted for sharing because sharing is caring :D


I’m on both patreons but I’m not gonna be mad if they blend together


Oh, worry not, me hearty!! Supporting CptPopcorn is also supporting Soulgasm's development! So I am super-uber-duper grateful that you taking part in this journey already!! 🥰🥰🥰


Oki, thank you so much for your lovely support, my gorgeous sailor! I really appreciate it! But ye know yer Cap'n, I can't help it but working my buttocks off for my sailors!! 🎨😂👌


Aww, you are too kind! Yet don't forget that by being part of Soulgasm's journey, you shall receive the spiciest and most interesting bits. It is our way of thanking you for being so kind!! 🥰🥰🥰


You are the kindest, me hearty!! Yet I am happy to say that, thanks to your kindness, you shall receive unique rewards from Soulgasm! As a way to thank you for your generous participation on its development 🥰🥰🥰