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*Breathes agitatedly in Captain*

WOHA, me hearties! I can't believe this day has finally arrived!!

This has been a Big-- nono, an enormous-- wait, no-- THE GREAT dream of mine since... well... always!

This Captain has been working tirelessly for the last couple of months, so this game can finally happen! And it was all thanks to your neverending support, my handsome sailors!! And when I say it was all thanks to you, I really mean it: none of this would have happened without your incredible help and inspiration to get a little step further every day!

I have a secret to share with you, my gorgeous sailors. But you must promise yer Cap'n that you WILL tell everyone you know about it: 


You might be wondering what Soulgasm is! Well let me tell you right meow!:
Soulgasm is a rich dish based on a simple recipe. We took the genres of adult dating sim and visual novel, and then pushed beyond their limits. The effect is an adventure you’ve never seen before!!

I wanted YOU to be the first ones to check it out! Because I would love to know what you think about it so we can even improve it further together!

There are SO many awesome things happening right now, me hearties! And so many ahead, waiting for us!! I can't wait to show you all the hard work we have put into this project so far and what it is all about!

I hope you can forgive this Cap'n for tearing up a little bit and mostly for being so repetitive, but please please please please allow me to remind you once more how great you are, my beautiful sailors; Without You being aboard this incredible journey, this whole universe would not exist! You are the sole reason for its creation! Thanks to you, it will soon come alive! I can't wait for us all to enjoy it!

I'm so thankful to have met you, and I can't wait to see where this journey leads us!

Let’s make this new adventure happen! Let's make Soulgasm come to life!!


Listening: Run Boy Run (Woodkid)


Feeling: I am a nervous wreck!! AAAAAAAAAAA




Hell yea! Congratulations Captain!

Lucas Sierzega


John Folmer

Hell yeah! Not certain I'll be able to support there as well but I'll see if I can move some money around for the game


“Shut up and take my money!”


Damnnnnnnn what’s her name 👀👀👀


I cannot wait to see what comes from this. If you’re involved, it can only be good.


I know the art is going to be good since you're involved, but this is still so extremely early to know if it's worth supporting or not. I'll be keeping an eye on it though. Also this entire thing seems a bit strange to me. You had a goal on this patreon to make a game when you reached a certain amount of supporters. To then put that on a completely different patreon and require payment there too feels kind of out of left field for me. Don't get me wrong, I understand game development takes time and requires funding, but then it was a weird stretch goal to put here on this patreon to begin with, since we don't even get to take part of it unless we pay. Usually stretch goals like that are to enhance the patreon we're already supporting, like you did with animations for example. There's plenty of other examples of from other peoples patreon too, but I thought I should voice this concern since no one else has.


Thank you so much, me hearty!! And congratulations to us all!! For a great new adventure is in the brew!!!! 😍😍😍


Worry not, my gorgeous John!! Not all support comes in the shape of financial support, but your words and encouragement are more than enough to keep the spirits of this Cap'n high as our Drifter!! 🥰🥰🥰


Thank you so much, me hearty!! Congrats to the whole creww!!! 😍😍😍


As for now, we refer to her as The Boss! Because we want to be sure that her name is right for all that she represents ;) Soon we shall share a bit more of her on Soulgasm's Patreon! Including new pics and sketches!! 👀👀👀


Hihihi, I am so grateful for your trust in this Cap'n, me hearty! I indeed am doing my best, so our beautiful team can work in making an amazing job with memorable stories and great experiences for our fantastic crew!! 🥰🥰🥰


Worry not, me hearty! I understand your concerns, and I do agree that it is very early to know if Soulgasm is worth your time and support! With time we will do our best to prove ourselves worthy of having you aboard SLGSM too!! I also understand your concerns about creating a new crowdfunding for the game alone. Truth is that when this Cap'n created the game stretch goal, I was still determining what it would require from a financial and legal point of view. Yet now that we are some time into the game development, we found that many more things are required just to get started with it: From a legal perspective, in the place where the company is settled, tax regulations work so that it is much better tax-wise to create a secondary account for a project of its nature. From a financial point of view, I want to create an experience you haven't had before, something truly unique and beautiful. And for that, we needed a team of professionals with experience in the field. Having a whole team of people with experience and great work ethics proved to be quite expensive, and we quickly realized that CptPopcorn's funding wouldn't be enough. Adding new tiers on top of existing ones would turn out to cost the same that supporting CPT and SLGSM simultaneously. Yet if they are in different places, you can choose which one you like the most! So it was either changing the entire dynamic and set of rewards from CptPopcorn's Patreon or creating a new one. Hence we decided that having a second crowdfunding for this would be the way to go. On our last surveys, most of my sailors manifested they were here because of Critical Role content, and I feel it would be a step in the wrong direction to take away the focus or to mud the waters of CptPopcorn with game-related content entirely made with OCs and stories unrelated to any other IP but ours. Yet please don't worry, my lovely sailor, for I am planning to share news and updates about the game here, sneak peeks, and smutty pics of the game when we have them in production! Yet, of course, we want to remain grateful to those that also decided to embark with us on this other ship of ours, so they (Much like my Popcorn Sailors!) shall also receive unique rewards =) If you have any other concerns, doubts, or you feel something doesn't quite fit in place, please let me know, I truly appreciate your input because it makes this Cap'n improve things a bit further, and every bit of improvement is always welcome!! Thank you for being so patient, my sailor. And thank you for raising these questions! These have inspired yer Cap'n to create an FAQ for the thingies yet to come! You are amazing!! 🥰🥰🥰


Great reply. Clearly lays out logic of decision and is transparent about reality of making a game. I appreciate this.


Yes I’m so excited!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Thank you for bringing this point up as someone thinking some very similar things.


Thank you for laying that all out for us. The decisions make more sense given the context you explained. So thank you 👍👍 Side note: I’m assuming there won’t be any CR characters in the game cause copyright stuff correct?


Thank you, my lovely sailors! I really want to keep things transparent for everybody! You deserve to be told every bit of its development and the struggles that the project experiences. If there are any further questions, I will be truly happy to answer them! I honestly want the project to speak for itself, hence, I believe that we shall get more and more confident in the weeks and months to come! I will make sure that you get a clear image of how it evolves and comes to life!! And Precisely, my sailor James; this will be a new and original IP of your dear Cap'n! (Actually, we developed this together with the whole team, so we would make sure that it wouldn't be a shallow, biased or boring story hihihi)