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[Previous chapter: Part one/Introduction] 

Day 4:
It's been four days since the charming encounter with the Nymphs of the Autumn Greenwoods. These lovely local spirits filled me with motivation to remain optimistic and follow my path down the stream.
Moments ago, I reached the place where the brook became a river, and a clearing opened next to it. It seemed to be a great opportunity then, to camp there. Given, of course, the dark clouds gathering above the treeline and the unmistakable metallic hint of ozone in the air.
Despite being sometime around the afternoon, the day has become as dark as night out of a sudden. I can barely see now. Counting on my muscle memory for writing between thunder flashes. I hope I will make it throughout the night.
Day 5:
Is this even happening? Or am I hallucinating? Maybe this is the way my mind does cope with my loss.
I need to find out if these apparitions are real before I lose my mind.
Yet, if what I remember is true, something mystical and beyond comprehension is taking place in these wild lands. Something I--I can't blame it of evil. Not by chance. As in fact, quite the opposite.
I have wandered many horizons on my now-gone Irisse, and have never witnessed anything like the wonders I've just experienced firsthand.
Yet once more, I find myself wondering too far from the point; let me share my most recent experience, the one that puts my sanity in check:
In the thunderstorm's darkest moment, the lightning flashes and blasts got so severe that I was sure I wouldn't make it through the storm. I closed my eyes. I made peace with it.
Yet, in a strange twist of events, all bursts stopped. All flashes halted. And an orb of blue light descended from the skies. I was wrong at first. It wasn't an orb or a device but a person with long floating hair and sparks of light coming out of their body. It was a woman. And she seemed to have a body constituted of what I could only describe as primal and pure energy.
Her perfume was of the thunder, and her eyes were of light.
She hovered above the clearing while I approached in disbelief. The ground and dirt weren't worthy of her elemental beauty and grace. And I, too, found myself feeling intimidated, hiding my eyes away from her on the earth.
The lady of the light came closer. Her face was just above mine, and her feet were still in the air.
Raising my chin with her hands, she locked her sight with mine and studied me like a creature only seen in books. She came closer and closed her eyes, scenting my body, and smiled. She got so close to my neck that, for a moment, I thought I had mistaken her electrifying touch for her lips.
The elemental young spirit didn't stop there.
Holding me by the back, she gently pulled me down. The grass on my back felt cold and refreshing, and her hands and body felt warm and soft against mine.
She laid on top of me, using my body as her personal meaty pillow. Yet you won't see me complaining, for her caresses felt like a distant memory of a far lover I never had a chance to meet.
Her breasts caressed my chest, and she didn't seem to mind being fondled either. She also appeared not to understand the meaning of a kiss, but despite that, she gave in when our lips met.
Though the lighting spirit knew what she was after. And after that she went. When looking down, much like her, I was also deprived of garments. And with a confident smirk, she sat on my lap while thunders could be heard in the distance.
Thousands of white and blue sparks illuminated our clearing while the lighting spirit found me worthy of her presence and joy.
And, for a while, she claimed my mortal body to do as she pleased. While also giving me the honors of possessing hers.
About the rest... it was indeed history.
I woke up moments after we found our highest point in the darkness of a stormy noon, between the white hairs of a young woman with pink and cold skin. The Sun cast warm light on our bodies, and glowing blue flowers raised from the earth around us.


And like that, another spirit makes herself known in front of our eyes. Blessing our presence and journey ahead. 

What a great adventure, me hearties! I must admit that this is such a fun and rewarding endeavor of exploring the world we got to create!!

Such a privilege it is to count on this space of creativity! And it is all thanks to you, my gorgeous sailors! You are my lanterns and stars in the night. My compass pointing the way onwards through the airborne path ahead! 

Shall we explore together the spectacular visions that await for us to witness! Let us drift gracefully towards the horizon forth and claim our balmy spice. The reward of these fine and brave sailors!!



Listening: The First Snow (Lustre) 

Feeling: Excited about exploring our wild world together!

Thinking: Finally, a summer we get to see the Sun =)



John Folmer

This is an excellent series! Is the Stranded Aviator base off anyone or did you come up with them on your own?


Loving this series so far! Can't wait to see what other journeys our lost Aviator finds himself on and what other spirits he is blessed to meet!


Before reading the title I fully thought we were getting Atlantis: the lost city content with God!Kida and Milo thatch


Shocking sex scenes


Sparks are flying with this one!


Love the smug look of the spirit.


I’d love to see what she looks like full of cum, you might be able to see it in there lol


I think that, throughout the whole journey of ours, I was heavily influenced by Calm (CalmDraws on Twitter) art style and this particular feeling of a 'happy without taboos' universe, where everyone is open about it and just wants to share lovely times together :3 As for the setting, creatures, and general rules of this universe of ours, I wouldn't be able to tell! I've been working on it for a while, and, honestly, I can't wait to show so much more about it yet!! Luckily enough, now that we are close to being 2000 sailors aboard, we will get to explore it more in-depth very soon!! In the shape of a videogame!! I hope you are as excited as I am!! 😍😍😍


Hihihi, I am so happy you like this series so much, me hearty! Honestly, I love making it happen! It feels so nice to bring to life our own stories!!

John Folmer

Oh yeah! You've talked about a game for a while now, excited that you'll finally be able to work on one!