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Day 1:
This shall be the first of my entries after the unfortunate miscalculation that took us down from the skies. I lost my wings (my beloved Irisse, the most beautiful among all drifters), my cargo, and most of the goods I had acquired during my journeys as a word-bringer. Yet I fear the last message I was to carry might give some reason to believe this wasn't a simple accident.
We were land-kissed over a lake among trees and deep greenery. I barely made it out before Irisse sank. She took most of the supplies down with herself to the endless sleep. I shall miss you without rest, my beloved wing.
Based on our course and day of travel, these lands must still be part of the Autumn Greenwoods. And if that is correct, then there isn't much hope here to be found. For these grounds hold thick wilderness that reaches the horizon and covers the skies. 
My best bet lies in gathering any food I get to find to endure this journey back to civilization. And if I remember correctly, some of the rivers that run across these woods flow into the nearest sea. From there I could make it to the Kingdom of the West. And this lake does indeed give birth to a river, which I shall follow.
Though it might be just my nerves, or I am simply losing my mind. But I swear I hear voices in the trees. Either way, I digress. 
This message must be delivered at all costs.

I am not sure of what just transpired. If it has been the weirdest dream or if it really happened. But the voices were real. And so were the stories about the wild spirits of these forests:
Women of all shapes and unique colors came from within trees and greens. Curious glowing eyes were observing from the shadows of the leaves.
They were communicating with each other, I can tell you that much. Yet I couldn't understand any of such bird-sounding phonetics. 
Some of them were slowly approaching while I was trying to find higher ground over the roots of a tree. None of them carried any clothes, which took me a bit by surprise and made me fall on my back.
With seemingly no knowledge of personal space, they towered over and observed me thoroughly with great curiosity. They seemed to realize what lay beneath my garments, and with great smiles and birdly giggles, they took them away.
I was baffled and felt--curious too.

After what felt like hours together, it is safe to say we enjoyed each other's company. I was a guest in their garden, and they were marvellous and unique hosts.
I did my best to explain my journey ahead and that their amity was a gift to my soul that I shall never forget.
They seemed to understand. For the smiles and happiness in their eyes quickly vanished.
Despite the news, these beautiful nymphs provided me with fruits blossoming from their hair and a much-needed hug of encouragement and caress to bless my travels.
Kissing them one by one, I manifested my farewells. And mere feet into the path, a sound called my attention. A hint of recognition; a wild spirit was doing her best to speak my words:
W-we v-vill mm-uch miss yy-ou.
I shall miss you too.


Certainly a story and a piece I was waiting for so long to bring into life! The Autumn Wild-Spirits are truly a gift to the ever-growing world we are creating! Now the Autumn Greenwoods seem to have an identity of their own, and I can't wait to explore more of the pages that this journal has to reveal!

Many creatures and whispers of these lands are waiting to manifest and make themselves known. Let's discover their stories as well, me hearties?

I want to thank you all for being so nice to this silly ol' seadog and for being part of this beautiful journey! It is truly thanks to you that all of this is happening, and (if you are brave enough) we can push this adventure far beyond the heavenly horizons!

Let's make this happen, my gorgeous sailors!! My shining lanterns in the night 🥰🥰🥰


Listening: Killin' Dream Chambers (Alphaxone) while writing this very story!

Feeling: So lucky to have such a wholesome crew 😍😍😍

Thinking: This aviator's luck is such a rollercoaster!




This man is having a good day.




A wonderful story and a wonderful piece to go along with it!

Matt Potts

Maybe one of my favorites so far! Great work capn!


Hey I’m new here, how can I get access to the previous rewards like animations?


Amazing Art to go with an equally amazing little short story


The luckiest unluckiest man of all Kalidan! Can't wait to see what other lucky encounters our hommie gets to! 🤭🤭🤭


Hihihihi, he is indeed a lucky man! Though worry not, me hearty! For in our world of wonder wild creatures and spirits aren't as evil as in DnD! Just a bit chaotic ;)) Moar lore to be revealed in the next parts, me hearty!! 😍😍😍


Thank you so much, me hearty!! I hope I didn't take it too far!! It's just this silly ol' seadog wants to share the beautiful corners of our world of wonder with the whole crew!! We deserve a fair and extensive view of this beautiful place we are creating together 🥰🥰🥰


Aww, thank you so much, me hearty!! This means so much to me!! 🥰🥰🥰


Thank you so much for helping another sailor, me hearty! You are truly fantastic!! And indeed, Shrew is King! I sent you a PM with all the information needed! Welcome aboard, me matey!! 😍😍😍


Awww, thank you so much, me hearty!! I promise I will do my best to not only keep the quality but to improve it way further!! You deserve only the best out of this Cap'n!! 🥰🥰🥰


Nymphs need there miracle grow