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"Oh, there you are! I was wondering where you went," Percy discovered a sweet intruder sitting on his workbench.
"I hope it is okay I am here--" She was alone, wearing a soft green dress, impatient to whisper what she had to say. "I--I know here is where you work, and you don't like vis--."
"You shouldn't worry so much, Keyleth: You are always welcome here, or anywhere else for the matter." The young man enthusiastically rushed to make the horned lady feel comfortable.
"I was waiting for you, Percy."
"And it seems you have found me!" He jokingly replied, picking up on the forced smile from the redhead Druid, "Is everything alright, Kiki?" He asked, sitting on the stool next to her.
"I just--don't know if there is a proper way of saying it."
"Then just say it, and so we will find out."
"You are right," Keyleth looked away, finding the courage and, after a long breath and pause, she confessed: "I can't hide it anymore, not from you at least, and I need to know if you feel the way I do--"
From the corner of the table, she leaned over and caressed Percy's legs with her bare feet. A commotion was taking place inside the gentleman's heart. But an even more flustered bustle was going down his pants. 
"Kiki, what are you doing??" Said the confused man, without resistance to his companion's charms.
"Please tell me you feel the way I do." She implored.
"I--I--" The man paused, putting his thoughts and questions aside for a moment. "I didn't want to admit it, but it's true..." And without taking his eyes from Keyleth's, he leaned towards her, gently pushing the young lady against the wall filled with notations and diagrams: "...I do."


Now that's what I call a romantic setup, and I gotta admit: Percy ain't looking bad at all, me hearties!! 👀👌

Yet what gets me thinking here is: should we move forward and explore Part Two of these events? Maybe even a Part Three!! 😱😱😱

Hit me with yer ideas, me mateys!


Listening: Nothing at the moment, I almost broke my eardrums a few days ago :(

Feeling: Oh woha, I think I can hear the ocean from here! (I hear as if I was underwater 😂👌)

Thinking: Now these are being quite some hot days innit? 🥵




Your Keyleth looks amazing as always Cap'n!


Ohhh i adore these two!!! There should definitely be another part! Whitestone has so many lovely places to sneak around. The baths, the courtyard behind some trees…I’m sure Kiki would enjoy being connected to nature! 😉

Garrett Carter

Percy cheatin' on Vex with EVERYBODY.


Right? I'm starting to wonder if he caught her with Grog, Kashaw, and Artagan, or something.


Definitely a part 2-6 I kinda want to see where this goes and how far it will go.


Definitely more parts. Would love to see Vax’ildan stumble in and decide to join, we know he’s got a thing for Percy 😘 Plus I would love to see some oral on a female animated, that would be amazing since we haven’t seen that animation yet! 👍👍 Percy going down on Keyleth with Vax watching oh boy 👌👌👌👌

Tai Korczak

How can anyone say “no” to Kiki, especially in a flowing green dress like that?


Love to see her right leg lifted up a bit more to see that other foot better lol, beautiful piece


Kiki looks bloody beautiful, i love how how her legs are possed and the green dress


Please more of these two together 😍 great start to a series hopefully


Awww you are too kind, me hearty!! I can't wait to bring her a bit further into action, if you know what I mean ;))


Now that gives me so many beautiful ideas!! Your creative soul is such a delight and welcome guest on this drifter 🥰🥰🥰


Oh, now that doesn't sound half bad!! You have just gave me a great idea, me hearty!! 🤭🤭🤭


Absolutely true, me hearty! Knowing myself, probably I wouldn't be able to resist!! 🤭🤭🤭


Hihihi, it is in the details, me hearty! And so many more details are ahead waiting for ye ;))


Aww, thank you so much, me hearty! I can only hope we will bring much more Kiki soon!! For the crew deserves beauty and the best!! 🥰🥰🥰

Kensai Wolfsong

Naughty naughty Percy, could see this happening when Vex'ahlia is away, dealing with matters of the Council of Tal'dorei 😏


Hihihi, and maybe soon they shall receive a lil' visit of Vex right in the middle of the action! What do you think it's gonna be the needing result, me hearty? 🤭🤭🤭

Kensai Wolfsong

I think, a little upset at first, Vex would be entertaining the idea of watching or joining, spicing up the sex and Entertainment in the bed would fit her Chaotic side