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"You can't just come to my room like that!" Imogen shouted to the matutinal intruder while trying to cover her naked body. It was finally her first time renting a room for herself, and her sleep was abruptly interrupted. Definitely not an ideal way to start the day.
"You scared me--maybe next time you can knock?". The pink-haired sorceress resumed while the trespasser looked away and apologized for such a mistake.
"It is okay. To say that this would be the first that it happens to me would be a colossal lie." Imogen revealed her body, lacking all garments, with a smirk of confidence drawn on her face. "And to say I wasn't expecting you to--surprise and join me would be another lie. Why don't you come and join me? There's a lot of space on this bed".
Maybe it was a good way to begin that day after all.


Now the real question, my sailors: bush or shaved? I personally wouldn't mind either! 🍿👀👌

But what's even more of a riddle: who is our mysterious visitor?? Hit me with your ideas; who might be beyond this? Yet careful enough, for it might lead to the next chapter on this story!


Listening: The Last Day Of War And The First Day Of Peace (Ayreon) 

Feeling: Not gonna lie, me hearties; quite tired! 🎨😂👌

Thinking: Can't wait to see how Nott's voice will sound like 😬😬😬




has to be laudna

Jimithey Nolan

I would probably go for bush and it should be Laudna visiting. Or Vex to be confusing, “you look oddly familiar.”


That looks so good, I like either as well. I'd think Imogen leaned a little more towards bush and it's got to be Laudna coming in.


Both look good


This is something I didn’t know I needed! 🙌🏻🙌🏻❤️❤️


I vote shaved and for the return of Pretty


Whether it’s bush or no bush, that pussy looks delicious!


I love Imogens eyes and i would not say no to her


I definitely like the pink bush but I also wanna see it shaved as well