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"I promise you I'll be back in no time. Believe me, Grog." Pike reassured her soft-hearted friend at the top of the temple of Sarenrae. "I just need some answers first."
Promptly, the half-giant insisted: "But why can't Grog go with you? Was I not good?"
"You did nothing wrong, Grog. I would take you if I could, but this journey I must do alone." She declared, painting tears in the tall barbarian's eyes.
After a while, the white-haired gnome crossed the entrance, leaving the group of adventurers under a soft breeze and warm sunlight.
"Pike--" Percy decidedly called, making the short woman rapidly turn around.
"Yes? Percy?"
"I can imagine time is at the essence, but-- Can we talk for a moment?" He urged. Noticing the strange looks of their companions, "--Alone."
"Uhm, sure. You can join me inside the temple if you want--" She got a bit closer before revealing with a faint smirk on her face: "--We will just make sure the monks don't see you." And winked at him.
"I will do my best." Percy guaranteed the short cleric companion with his characteristic manner before turning to the rest of the group: "I will meet you all down these stairs in a couple minutes. Please don't leave without me."
"Oh--Me wants to come too! Grog sad." He murmured under his breath while heading down the temple stairs with the rest of the party, cleaning the shy tears from his eyes.
The insides of the temple were darkened by the bright rays of sunlight outside. Once in, Pike checked for any worshippers in the recently rebuilt room, yet none were found. "Looks clear to me! Come! Let's sit down for a bit behind those columns; I am sure no one will bother us there."
And so, passed the main enclosure, they found themselves on an isolated corner, away from most prying eyes. Pike claimed a stone block where she unpacked and sat on top, just to be a bit closer to Percy's tall glance. "So, what did you want to talk about?" She energetically asked.
"I know you might not come back to us after this. Whatever you must do here, I don't comprehend. Still, I understand it is expected from you to follow the call of Sarenrae. Yet I--I was wondering; do--" He showed himself conflicted. "Do we--"
"Tell me, Percy. What's about us?"
"There is no easy way to say it."
"Say it." She insisted, pressing her petite hands on his chest, revealing a small portion of his well-defined torso.
"I just--" He looked away. "--can't."
"You do, Percy. Look at me. You are stronger than you thi--" she slipped and fell from her elevated position. Trying to find something to grab on,  she pulled his shirt wide-open, revealing his toned abdomen.
Percy rapidly noticed and caught her in mid-air. "Are you--" He began, just when he realized he was holding her by the breasts.
Quite shocked by the turn of events, Percy aided his companion by placing her against the backpack and wall. It must have been that he pushed her a bit too rough without realizing it. Because, as a consequence, she moaned softly.
Pike's blush betrayed her. Yet she pushed through: "I am fine. But I think you are even better; you are strong, Percy." She brought back, placing a hand on the refined abdomen of the man, wandering between the middle line up and down. Non-stop down.
"I want to tell you, I really do." And he grabbed her short arm by the wrist, locking it above her head.
"Then do it, tell me everything, everywhere." She welcomed his brutish bashfulness by reaching out with her free hand, grabbing his waist, and pulling his pelvis against hers. Feeling each other in the most intimate places.
"I will do it, and I better be clear--" He left his pants to fall and continued to undress the bits of his body that remained, until then, covered. "--since we might never see each other again. So you better listen, and listen well."
"I will listen, I promise! I am here, and I am yours. Do it, and do it now!" She almost whispered, taking away her holy garments, revealing her soft pink skin and the tremendous breasts that were hidden seconds ago. Only a blue scarf remained on her body around her neck.
Further behind the commotion, a few monks were heading toward the temple entrance, ignoring what was occurring mere feet away from them.
Taking advantage of the hidden corner, they shared their beliefs and sentiments with each other, if only in a very unusual, vigorous, and passionate way.


Well, I be damn if I didn't admit I am quite charmed by Pike's hidden treasures! I must admit time was very kind to her on this ship. And now that we got her aboard I be wondering: do my sailors want to see more of her?

Maaaaybe you can answer that question on the next poll, me hearties ;)


Listening: White noise; music got me a bit bored lately. Am I the only one? D:

Thinking: Can't wait for making more Pike! She's awesome!

Feeling: Not too bad!!



John Folmer

Did Grog really talk in the third person? Or is that an artistic liberty? Great art as always Cptn?

Aiden Holm

The Lord knows that I love myself some shortstacks 😍😍


Oh wow I can’t believe the last time we saw you draw pike was my commission, ALWAYS MOAR PIKE! Lol


God's she's cute. I absolutely love Size Difference content


It’s so good, pike has always been my favorite in VM for that very reason lol


Gods, I wanna see Pike get creampied now XD. My Dear Cap'n you've awoken something in me I didn't know was sleeping! #Size-diff-ftw


Yesss OG Cleric getting the love she deserves. Would love to see an animation for her 👀


fuck i wanna do pike so bad


I didn't realize how hot a well drawn shortstack looks until I saw this picture, might have just discovered a new kink for me lol. Also size difference + the writing 10/10


Best Pike Yet


Would really really love to see the continuation of these two, this is so incredibly hot


Definitely the case of artistic liberty, me hearty! I hope it's not a bad thing! Just wanted to show off those 6 points of INT 🤭🤭🤭


Let's invite this beauty to join us aboard many more times in the future, me hearty!!


Hihihi, I am sure we can bring her more often to life! I'd definitely love to do so!! 😍😍😍


This Cap'n has fantastic news for you then, my sailor! For this IS going to be the animation of the month 🎨😩👌


Awww, thank you so much!! You are inspiring this Cap'n to make way more content like this!! And why not, MOAR PIKE!! 🤭🤭🤭


Hihihi, Then I got fantastic news for you, me hearty!! Just wait for the next animation poll ;))