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Deep into their date, the chaotic trio of magic ladies found themselves on their private balcony at the Dreamscape Theater. And like on all the other balconies, they were surrounded by uncovered curtains, matching the color of Imogen's swirly hair.
"This is taking FOREVER!" the Faun lady protested due to the long delay of the performers on their next act. "Pretty, can you believe this?"
"I am--quite disheartened, I won't lie. Maybe there are other ways we can spend the rest of our evening--" Pretty the Ogre proposed to his three companions.
"Oooh--I like the idea!" Laudna replied. "Some kind of wicked little adventure wouldn't hurt. Right, Pâté?"
Everyone waited in silence for the incoming performance of the not-cute-at-all puppet.
"Well--would you look at that. Seems I forgot Pâté elsewhere." Laudna confessed.
"I think a daunting little adventure sounds nice,"  Imogen supported. "Something to distract ourselves until the performers decide to re-open the stage curtains." She complained, clearly annoyed by the many irritating thoughts of the public down the stalls.
"Oh, an adventure sounds--delightful, to say the least." Pretty followed. "I know a place where we could have a nice view to the--"
"I say we give Pretty his gift." Fearne firmly interrupted while closing the curtains around them. Creating some privacy around.
"His gift? What do you mean by his gift? We haven't brought anything!" Everyone on that balcony heard in their heads. "Oh--Sorry, sometimes I think too loud." Imogen continued, this time with her voice.
"Maybe we have indeed brought a gift; it's just you didn't know yet, sweet, sweet Imogen." Laudna quickly picked up. Winking at both her companions in acknowledgment.
"Well--" Fearne started. "Where I come from, when you go on a date with someone you like, you must show your appreciation to them in a way they will remember. And it is super important that it mustn't be anything material."
"Ooh--I love the Wildfey ways!" Laudna stated. Taking off her clothes.
"That doesn't sound half bad." Imogen continued, undressing whole except for her yellow scarf.
"It seems you are about to receive three gifts, Pretty--What would you say?" The Faun asked him while she and the other two ladies posed in front of the massive yet refined Ogre.
"I--I was not--expecting this. But if these are your ways of showing--gratitude. Then I wouldn't want to present myself--unappreciative." The man replied very soberly. "Just let me thank you--for being such a great comp--"
The Ogre couldn't finish that the three women jumped onto his lap and took his pants off. And then, up and down, switching one to another, pairing up and in groups. The ladies satisfied their most lustful needs, which they carried for over who knows how long. Also secretly healing an old and deep wound that gentleman called Pretty carried on his back.

After the blinding ending of a date saved by the three witches, the group called it a day and departed in separate ways. Having bought some distance, Imogen questioned: "Is that true? What you said about the Wildfey?"
"Not really; I just wanted to suck his dick for most of the day. So I remembered my grandmother's advice--" The Faun explained. Leaving almost a minute of an uncomfortable pause.
"Fearne--" Imogen called her.
"--What was your grandmother's advice?" Imogen inquired.
And with a blank smile, she revealed: "Oh, I don't remember."


Despite being quite ill these days, This Cap'n is ready to deliver once more! Though I must admit it gets quite challenging to create while coughing and having such a fever. Welp, a good challenge that was indeed!

Now, let's get some animated Gnome booty-boo done, shall we? ;)


Listening: This guy's Horror Stories, Awesome stuff! 

Feeling: Quite sick, me mateys!

Thinking: Can't wait to stop being hot and cold at the same time :D



John Folmer

Oh now that is super cool! Love how the postions changed, looks fantastic!


Fucking awesome


Look after yourself captain! This ship wouldn't be seaworthy if you're out of it!!


I've been looking forward to this and you do NOT disappoint!


Oh my fucking god Captain how do you do it, I knew it was gonna be good but FUCK, this is my new single favorite image you’ve ever crafted, I’m now hoping this can be in the running for an animation because just… WOW


Hihihi, thank you, my sailor!! I am so happy you liked it! It's been a bit of challenge to make it happen, but we've managed!! :3


And you wouldn't be wrong at all, me matey!! 🤭🤭🤭


Thank you, me matey!! And ye be right! I should take some time off to recover, but I can't leave my sailors without their spicy popcorn! 🤭🤭🤭


It seems the Ogre was looking for some challenging ladies! I guess they were challenging in their own ways 🤭🤭🤭


Awww, thank you, me hearty!! I am so very happy you liked it this much!! 🥰🥰🥰


Oohh, that would be a challenge! And I love challenges! We will see how it goes after I heal from this flu 😂😂😂 Thank you so much, me hearty! You are so kind 🥰🥰🥰


Youve outdone yourself once again, all the girls look amazing especially laudna


Hihihi, thank you so much, me hearty! I really hope we get to explore this chaotic trio in more depth (see what I did there?) in the near future!! :3

Jimithey Nolan

Above and beyond amazing Captain. But I hope you're taking care of yourself, there's no crew, no ship, without you.


Awww, you are so kind, my sailor! I am doing my best to keep up! Sometimes the winds are a bit feebler, but we must keep this journey engoing! It is our duty!! My crew deserves it 🥰🥰🥰