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Well, well, well, so it seems this was the opportunity many of us were looking up to! Pike in person and ready to be animated! Yet what a dilemma! For we got to share our farewells to the first season of VM, our favorite chaotic Faun, and not only that but also our ladies over there having fun with each other!

Dang! Such a tough decision to make! Yet I know you shall point the way much better I could! Let your wisdom guide your vote!!

And since it has already become a little habit of ours, let this Cap'n share a bit of the Popcorn being brewed at this very moment! A little bit of our favorite redhead lady, who seems to have found a little toy for herself! 





I wanna see the cleric get used to a bigger cock so badly. No? Just me?

John Folmer

Your work is always amazing cptn! Thanks for being an awesome creator


I have been lobbying for Yasha x Beau for like three polls straight I hope third times the charm XD


Did you really write *Let your wisdom guide your vote!!* because cleric, druid and monk are three classes that need a high wisdom score? I hope so hahaha


I'd be happy with any of them, just not the biggest fan of the Beau-Yasha Angle, but that is just personal preference; a head on view would be an awesome angle though. Fearne still has my vote though!

Degenerate Pepe [Common] BS-0034

Wasn't the bue already voted on in a previous poll? Edit: yeah and the stealing one as well. I'm going to abstain from this poll as well. (Nothing personal)

Jimithey Nolan

Good idea. I can imagine a giddy gleeful Beau face in the bottom right, while the top cuts off just above Yasha's cocky grin (in portrait). Just the two of them having a blast.


Man I’d love some more Fearne love, especially with Dorian


I m sure it's not only you, me hearty! Now that i see the sketch again, i think she should be even smaller 👀👀👀


Thank you SO much, my sailor John!! I love being here for you and all these gorgeous sailors! And I hope that, with time, I will be able to deliver a much much better booty for us all!! :3


Hahahaha it seems that your efforts have finally shown some results, me hearty!! 🤩🤩🤩


Hihihihi, you figured it out, my sailor!!! It is us against their wisdom-saving score! 😋😋😋


I will absolutely take these suggestions into consideration, my sailors!! For it is together that we achieve great things!! Thank you for letting me know 🥰🥰🥰


Ahoy, me hearty! With bue you mean Beauregard-Yasha or Blue referring to the blue gentleman? Both pieces appeared in previous polls yet didn't win, so they are taking one more chance before being downgraded to illustrations and have their last opportunity =) (Although by the looks of it it seems that only Fearne [the stealing one] will be downgraded!)


Ask and you shall receive!! (Because: https://www.patreon.com/posts/yer-spicey-sauce-62478985 ) 👀👀👀


FUCK WE NEED MORE PIKE, love to see Fearne as well, I’ve had enough of Beau and Yasha


That's good to know, me hearty! And Fearne is definitely a keeper on this ship hihihi


Pike would have so much to offer

Aiden Holm

I love Pike, but I've got a question: why not animate/recreate the old piece of Pike and Grog? Think about the possibilities 🤔🤔 Also: THREE TIMES IS THE CHARM LET'S GO FEARNE LET'S GO!!!! 🤩🤩


Oh, she DOES have a lot to offer, my sailor! Now we need this fine crew to vote for her!! 😍😍😍


That's actually a beautiful idea!! I will consider it, me hearty! A remake of previous pieces is something i always wanted to do!! 😍😍😍


Comments loving Pike but you guys not voting!!


Oh, worry not, me hearty! We shall get more chances for this beauty in the polls to come!! I am sure she shall win on the next ones ;)


Damn I hope the Pike/Percy one gets revisited I'd love some of that sexy man


Hihihi, seems it is our lucky day, my sailor!! For they are coming back very soon to try once more! ;)