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Should we make a little bit more daring NSFW? If yes... Where should we draw the line?

Yer cap'n is trying to get into uncharted territory! And as such, I want the crew to help me decide where and when is enough.

I  trust ye, me hearties!



TD Toms

Ultimately, the content is yours, Capt. Keep it as wholesome or risky as you are comfortable seeing your characters partake. You have my support


I voted for Wholesome Option A. Especially regarding Beau and Yasha because... they finally achieved happiness together


My self i love some nice and tight :) But i am looking forward for anythink you will do :)

John Folmer

Do whatever makes you happiest cptn!!!! You are the best!


I think it depends on the pairings and what you plan to do. If its between the crew members or people that are part of the same group than it can be less extreme. But say a crew mate was "defeated" by some monster or other enemy than any sex would be more crazy, like they are enjoying it despite themselves. I have no idea where you want these characters story to go.

The Chain Warden

I see plenty of artist do a mix of wholesome smut and hardcore stuff. And an artist who is as talented as our cap is surely able to pull it off. But draw what you wanna draw. More passion of the artist behind the work the better the quality.


I kinda wanna keep the relationships from the show but I'm fine with them being a little less wholesome

Jimithey Nolan

I’d be happy with some wilder art, but I also like it when the character can still be seen (personality-wise). I’d say, you should go as far as you’re comfortable and as far as you can justify. Of course, the sky’s the limit with OCs (unless you like aliens and 0G stuff).


If it’s more fjord x jester in these situations I have no problem with it getting more steamy and kinky .


Definitely more bondage play but it doesn’t necessarily have to be extreme because of it. Bdsm is pretty common so it’s not exactly “unwholesome”. Someone above did comment about if the group was defeated in some way than sex after that would be more extreme which I think everyone here would agree with


C, with a touch of ropes


Any and all! I like it no matter how rough or vanilla, it’s all good


that bell curve in the responses is a lot more satisfying than it has any right to be...


Kinda a mix of A and C for me; I like mostly staying with more canon or "likely" relationships (e.g. Beau/Jester works well but Beau/Yasha is a preferred one for me since it's more canon). This said, I do like works outside of these more "canon" relationships from time to time; the early Beau/Obann one you did I liked, for instance. Along with this, I do like more "hardcore" in the sense of more explicit and the like, but not necessarily "hardcore" in physicality or aggressive quality? I think your recent Jester animations fit well into this (or an earlier Jester POV illustration you had), where there's more very explicit sex that has a mix of "wholesome" but also explicitness.


I agree with most of these comments; do what you makes you happy. That being said I don't care one way or another if you keep them canonical, or mix them up; if it's hardcore or not. Just glad to be a part o' th' crew at the end of the day Cap'n!


I couldn't agree more, me hearty! The freedom I get from this beautiful crew is what makes me increase the quality of the art we have! And we are getting further with every passing month!! I am so proud of the horizons we are achieving!! ❤️❤️❤️Thank you for giving me this space of exploration and also having fun with our creations!! ❤️❤️❤️


Loving the answer! That gives me such a wide framework!! It is super useful, me hearty! Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️


Hahaha that's fantastic to know, me hearty! And definitely... I am thinking about creating an OC couple that likes taking things to... some... extremes... ...I believe we can get to wholesome yet far limits in our ship hihihi


Ah! That's definitely coming! And maybe Jessie trying new... Ahem... thingies with other m9 members and beyond! Does that sound tempting, my sailor? :3


I agree, me hearty! That gives me a clear idea of the differences between what is still within the acceptable to most of the crew! I bet I will be able to bend perception and rules a little bit, so we can satisfy those curious and hungry for more and those who like the wholesome and story-driven :3


Let's make them all and explore even further, me hearty!! ❤️❤️❤️YAAAARGGG!! ❤️❤️❤️


Hahaha, you are so right me hearty! It means this crew is perfectly balanced... as all things should be 😋😋😋


This is SO good, me hearty! It answers so many questions this cap'n had in mind and definitely helps to bring a new perspective to the table and roadmap! I love it!! I really hope my sailors will be able to bring ideas to what can come next (Yes!! I am talking about you hihihi)! I am super curious about what you would love to see next!!


You are the best, me hearty!! Thank you so much for giving me this space! I will do my best to not let you down, me hearty!! ❤️❤️❤️


I think we can definitely try things like this as long as in the end, everyone ends up enjoying themselves... I wanted to try something that starts a bit forced (Not necessarily non-con) but ends up being exciting, fun, and loving for everybody! Something among those lines, and what you describe definitely sounds like that!!


Awww thank you so much, my lovely sailor!! Thank you so much for giving me this space of exploration and playfulness! I promise you I will do my best because I want YOU to have the best and ONLY the best!!


Hihihi, thank you me hearty! For the space and opportunity of exploration!! You are amazing and I hope I won't disappoint you! I will do my best to make you proud of yer cap'n :3


Hihihi and we shall explore much more of this lovely couple... maaaybe making it a threesome of ladies (and no ladies too... who knows!), would that sound interesting, me hearty? 😍😍😍


Thank you so much, my lovely matey! I really, really appreciate the opportunity and space of exploration of these ideas, styles, and content itself! I promise you I will do my best!! I won't disappoint you!!

Degenerate Pepe [Common] BS-0034

Is love to see more hardcore scenarios like maybe a character is forced to pay a debt or lost a fight to the death, some choking and pinning would be nice to see. it doesn't have to be with characters from critical role.


The best art is when the artist creates from their own imagination. That being said, I can understand how it may feel to feel empty in that department. Having input from others can help refuel the imagination for sure, but always make sure what you create (unless a commission of course) is from yourself and others will react, one way or another.


I'm a simple woman, I see tieflings...and I am happy lmaooo Though I'd be very interested to see how Mollymauk/Lucien would look in your style, and perhaps some kinky things with him....or more BeauYasha bc you draw those girls beautifully But also your OCs ahhhh I just love all your art??? All of it lol


Personally I'm a fan of the Beau/Yasha stuff but I wouldn't mind seeing out of canon relationships get explored. I really like the Beau, Yasha, and Molly piece and I think that since this is all about fantasy anyways it is OK to explore different options for all the characters. I get why people might feel more comfortable with sticking to what is strictly canon but I think half the fun of fantasy is you get to explore things with characters that won't happen in the show. Just my opinion though. Also I've said it before but Nott deserves more love and you draw her super well.


I like the approach, me hearty! We can experiment with an OC couple who likes things... a little bit rough 👀


I will do my best, me hearty! It is just this captain wants to find the sweet spot between creating what I love and what my lovely sailors love! It is a bit of a hard equation, but I am sure we will find the perfect spot for it!! Thank you so much for your support, me hearty!! 😍😍😍


Awww thank you, my lovely sailor!! I promise you I will do my best to not let you down!! We have to explore more possibilities and ideas, AND DEFINITELY MORE TIEFLINGS!! Hihihi. OCs are also coming! Yet I am doing my best to find the balance between the fanart of our beloved characters and original ones, I think we will get there at some point!! Than you for being this supportive and nice, this cap'n exist thanks to you, me hearty!! 😍😍😍


I think you are totally right! I guess my fear is to explore new ideas and having my sailors disliking them so much that I would lose their support. I believe if we explore new grounds between some more classic/liked ones we could do great and find a good balance in the process!! Oh yes, you are so right, Nott deserves more love from this cap'n, shame on me!! Let's fix that, me hearty!!