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Ahooooy me hearties!

Ah... It took a while, but we finally made it to part two, my sailors! Yet in our favorite couple's time, it has only been a few minutes! And for that... we got some extra time for exploring Jester's polymorph on Beau! 

AND! If my sailors are up to the challenge, part three could be quite a bit more... ahem... dynamic. We shall see how the next poll ends up looking like, aye? ;)

And for those mateys of mine curious about the captain's updates and more, I got some news! I have updated my SSD, which might impact heavily (in a good way) my animation workflow!! I can't wait to test it out, but so far... it has been quite good!

Some of the software I use is collapsing, working much worse, yet I believe it is for a while until it adjusts itself! This is the reason why I also lost a day and a bit of work: I had to install Windows and all its components once more. One would think these things are getting faster with time... well maybe they are and it is just yer cap'n being a bit bad with computers hihihi

Either way, I believe we will slowly become much better with the art, me hearties! Yer cap'n is a bit more relaxed and recovering passively from the extreme last burnout! So maybe soon we shall enjoy much more and amazing content!! I feel the wave is coming :3

And about the horned lady being animated... oh boi!! She's looking so good! This team is evolving so fast and so much! I simply LOVE what we are achieving when it comes to animations.. I can't wait to show you, me mateys!!!! 😍😍😍


This was a commission made for my amazing sailor Nicholas, thank you so much me hearty!! Thanks to you, this crew gets to enjoy the amazing BeauYasha's adventures!!👀🍿😍

And many more to come!!


Listening to: Hours (Olivier Orand) 

Feeling:  Slowly recovering! It's incredible what a bit more of sleep does to the human body!!

Thinking: Cap'n is definitely thinking about pizza! YAAARGG!! 🍕🍕🍕



John Folmer

Wow!!!! This is amazing! Thanks for always being awesome cptn!!!!


Brilliant cap, been waiting months for this and it looks great


I really liked the other position in this scenario you teased the WIP for. I'd love to see that finished sometime soon.


Good stuff. Where is part 7 ?

Hunter Mackey

Fuck yes! I love seeing dialogue 😥 I hope we see more!


Love this so much Captain! I hope we see more of these two! ❤




This is nice, glad to see more foot content, and I didn’t even have to commission it this time!😂


Aww thank you so much for your patience, my lovely sailor! I think next month we will be bringing lots of BeauYasha! With the current set of events, we can't let this opportunity pass!!


If we are talking about Yasha laying down on her belly, oh, that's coming too, me hearty!! 😍😍😍


Certainly can't, I would love to see your story as well as the other piece of line art that u did finished would be 10/10


Absolutely, me hearty! I must say, thank you so much for your incredible patience with yer cap'n, as animations are SO much time-consuming!! But hey! Think positive: We are being able to make one a month!! And getting slowly faster and better!! We are making it happen, me hearty!! 😍😍😍


And I love you, my lovely sailor!! We will DEFINITELY see more of them very soon! Mostly due to the current events unfolding on our favorite show!! Hihihhi


Yissss!!! And there is so much of these two beauties more coming!! 😍😍😍


Hihihihi, I must admit, it was also a commission from a great sailor of this beautiful ship! Although if we are having so many feet lovers... maybe we will have to include more of this lil' fetish in our workflow ;)