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Hey everyone! 

Finally, Vex is here!

I allowed myself to try new things on this one. That means working a little bit more on the background and trying a new technique to see if it could work better in general.

I feel colors are meshing together, instead of those dull and monochromatic palettes I was creating only a few months ago. That s super! But so far it is taking me too long per piece, and I want to improve that. Bare with me in this one, because in the end, it will be super worthy!

The Full-Res images will be delivered in a week from now! So no worries, we are almost there ;)


Listening: Oxygen not included OST: Day 1 




absolutely fantastic


I love these, please keep it up


I like it but the boobs look a little odd in my opinion


Thank you, Azrael! And I agree, they look a little bit weird... I have been trying a few new things technique-wise here, so I apologize that I failed :(


I'm with you Azrael. Perfect aside from the boobs. If you revist, I'd love to see them smaller? I never thought of vex has having big boobs? Maybe that's just me tho. Love the work tho Cpt ;)