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 Hey everyone! 

February is here and I wanted to share something very special with you: not only a mere NSFW piece but I also want to take you with me on a personal journey to the past!

This is a (naughty)remake of the very first digital drawing I've EVER made! And in case you are curious... It was made fifteen years ago =)

It was a long way, and for sure I wasn't planning to be an erotic artist back then... OR WAS I?

Truth is, I don't even remember. But who cares? Now I am and I fucking love it.

Thank you so much for being there and supporting me every day. I am really grateful for having you all and honestly, I couldn't make ANY of this without you. You are simply incredible.


Thinking: I think I am obsessed with gingers.

Mood: So this is how it feels to have a social life... I kinda like it.

Listening: On My Own (Ulrich Schnauss)




Honestly who isn't obsessed with gingers

John Folmer

Now that's a great example of improving with time. Great job Cptn!


Yay, more ginger!! I love me some ginger, there is never enough.


Nicely done! Also, ginger obsession is very valid.


Ginger for the win!! They are fantastic! Can you imagine a ginger with green skin? 👀