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Hey everyone!

In the last post I shared the veeery very first practices I've done on a new software I put my hands on, it is called PaintStorm Studio and it is Frickin'tastic!

Back then I promised I would show you the next piece, and this is the one! Beau showing her glory (and terrible Wisdom saving throw).

I am thinking about making a few episodes with this mini-story, such as I am doing with Jester (By the way, more Jester to come!)

Big shoutouts to two of my Patrons who helped me so much since the birth of this piece until the very end!! As you might know, I am a single artist carrying this whole project on my back, I don't have any art direction more than my own experience (which luckily enough is quite a bit!).
This is why the critique and fresh eye of my supporters is such an important deal. Together we can make much, much better things and reach way further!

I really hope you enjoy it, please be patient while the GIFs load, and if you have any critique or suggestion, please don't hesitate and kill my ego on the comments!

 ❤️  ❤️ Thank you so much ❤️  ❤️ 


For those interested in my new workflow:

My new workflow consists of drawing the lineart on Photoshop, creating areas of work with alpha channel, and then finding the right palette and mood I will be making use of. Then back to PS and render until oblivion! 


Mood: My cats don't allow me to sleep since I adopted them... EIGHT MONTHS AGO.

Thinking:  Sleeping? What is sleeping? Is it related to coffee?

Listening:  Maenam (Jami Sieber)





Obann bit off more than he can chew...


Shading and liquids look great I must say!


As for criticism since you asked for it, a minor nit pick. Beau is highly athletic and punches people for a living. Her arms look a little skinny in this. Also, while I love big knockers as much as the next person, they don’t really fit her. I always imagine her more fit and less busty.


Amazing work!