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Hey everyone!

So, for the last two days, I've been exploring new software to create better artwork pieces. I have always used Photoshop and to be honest I always felt that its color-blending features aren't the best.

That's why I started from scratch with a new and relatively young software called PainStorm Studio. Which is only 20 bucks (and I say "only" because anything similar, such as Corel Painter is like $400) and it is WAY better in blending colors than Photoshop.

Yet like any other new Software, it will take time before getting used to it and feel it as an extension of my arm, such as I feel it in Photoshop (after having used it for over a decade).

Anyway, I made few pieces with pussy-poh subject, and I wanted to share them with you, I will create few more soon and probably a "bonus track" with one of our beloved CR characters <3

A Totally Side-Note: Thank you for your support and participation in this project, it means a lot to me, yet I would love to ask you, if you feel it is okay with you, to spread the voice about this Patreon existence. So we can make it grow together, creating many new artworks and getting closer to the ultimate goal, which is creating our first full-game!

❤️  ❤️ Thank you so much ❤️  ❤️


Mood: This Software is super easy *Watches the knife with a lot of love*

Watching: RLCraft, (Yes, I feel a loser, but can't help it)




I’m excited for this brave new world. While they all look good, the first attempt is great


Thank you so much! I am already finding ways of merging both PS and PaintStorm Studio into my workflow. So far it is giving interesting results!