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Ahoy, me hearty!

I hope this message finds you well and ready to embrace the New Year with all its adventures and treasures.

As a token of my appreciation for your past support, I wanted to offer you a special gift to kick off the new year: a lil' something red that bounces a lot... Make yer guess! ;)

I hope this brings back fond memories of our adventures together and serves as a reminder of the fun we had πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Wishing you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year! Let's make 2023 our little b--friend! 🍿πŸ₯‚πŸΎ

Yours truly,
Published: 2022-12
YARG, me hearties!!
Another month, another adventure made possible thanks to you!! July's booty is here, ready for you!! 

Are ye ready? Let's get it to yer hands!:

And bring the password with ye!:

August is very special for yer Cap'n, because it was when we started this journey, about four years ago, and also because this shall be my first time away from our wonderful ship. It is scary, I must admit, but it is for the best: another great adventure is in the making and needs some attention. I want to make Soulgasm be the beautiful world you deserve, my wonderful sailors and lanterns. And I shall do all that it takes to make it happen, for you πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

I also want to thank you SO much for being part of this ship; you have made this spicy odyssey happen, including the world of Soulgasm. Because all we already did was thanks to your generous and warmhearted support.

Thank you for being this great. You are the reason all of this exists, my wonderful creators πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

See you very soon!!

Published: 2023-08
Ahoy ahoy, me hearties!

Though we are getting the last details ready on Karlach's animation, I didn't want to let go of the opportunity to show you the art involved in its making and the pieces brought to life this month!! 😍😍😍

Are ye ready? Let's get to it!!

And don't forget the password my gorrrrrgeous matey!!:

Thank you so much for your patience, my lovely ones! Having multiple tabs open proves to be quite challenging, and this annoying cough doesn't want to leave my throat; it is taking a long time to recover from this cocochoo but we will end on the better end soon, I can feel it!! 😍😍😍

Let's explore together what wonders are in front of us, and I am super excited to discover them along with my beautiful crew (Yes! You!!). Are ye excited to?? πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ

Published: 2023-11

The JumboPack of the month has just been uploaded, and it has got all of November's saucy stuff! Once inside, you will find the artworks in HQ, Process video, Wallpapers, Mini-Stories, the extra bouncy animation of the month, and much more!!

To get yer booty, get here:

Choose the file to download, and use the following password for claiming your JumboPopcorn Cup Reward! (Better use copy-paste):

And remember to tell me if you liked or disliked this month's reward! For yer cap'n is always looking for improvement, and I count on your help for that!

Together, we can make this ship a dream come to life! And it is my wish to share that dreamed place with you.

Thank you for being there. You are an angel to me =)

Published: 2021-11

The JumboPack of the month has just been uploaded, and it has got all December's saucy stuff! Once inside, you will find the artworks in HQ, Process videos, Wallpapers, Mini-Stories, a new kind of animation this Cap'n has brewed for you, and much more!!

In order to get yer booty, get here: 

Choose the file to download, and use the following password for claiming your JumboPopcorn Cup Reward! (Better use copy-paste): 

I hope you had an AMAZING holiday, yet more importantly, that next year will be much more kind to all of us. I am so grateful for you, my lovely sailors because even though the year has been a bit tough, my crew was so kind and loving! 

A great year lies ahead, and with it, lots of new stories and smut for us to enjoy! Let us embark on a new journey together. For this Cap'n will point the way!!

Published: 2021-12
AHOOY, my lovely sailors! And welcome to the many new handsome faces aboard!!

With the end of the very first month of this new year, we begin a new cycle of the tastiest (and spiciest!) popcorn we can dream of! And as such, the first delivery of the JumboPack is yours to open, discover and enjoy!

The booty lies right here:

And as usual, you can pick either prize with the same password!:

This Captain is incredibly happy (and honestly still in shock) about the unbelievable support all of you provide me with. It is so rare to find so many kind souls, so beautiful and reassuring. So thank you for slowly but surely, making this Cap'n feel this whole journey was worth it. 

Once more, thank you SO much, and let's do an even better job from now on! Because my ever-rocking crew deserves it!!

Published: 2022-01
AHOOOOOY, my lovely Cloudfarers!! 

Even though the animation of the month is still in production, I wanted to share with all of you the pieces we have brewed since our return to this glorious adventure!!

With yer great help and taste in choosing our winners and the direction of our ship, we have managed to pull beautiful vistas and (very) spicy popcorn for our enjoyment!! 

Let's get to it without hesitation! October's booty is waiting for ye!!:

And don't forget yer password, my brave sailor!:

Also, please don't hesitate to take a look at all the sketches we have done in all our adventures! If there is any you would like to see come to life, please let me know; I am always in for a comeback of the good ol' times!! 😍😍😍

And none of this would have never been possible if it wasn't for you, my beautiful sailor. You are truly a gorgeous human being (or handsome alien!)!! Thank you SO, SO VERY much for being the way you are, for being supportive and encouraging this journey to not only go on but to keep growing!! You are the best!!

Published: 2023-11
AHOOOOY, my beautiful sailors!!

And finally, the day for our reward and booty is upon us!! Shall we rejoice with this month's quest for spicy sauce and booty-boo!

Here we go, me mateys!!:

And don't forget yer password!:

Ah! With the ending of June behind us, new waters and stories rise before this mighty crew! It is with great joy and thrill that this Cap'n receives the new members of this glorious drifter, and celebrates the familiar faces who can share a well-hearted Ahoy!

For a new sunrise together! Let the sails show the way!

Published: 2022-07
YARG-YOOORG, my glorious cloudfarers!! 

The treasures of the month are waiting for you, and with the booty now in yer hands, great new adventures wash ahead! 

Let us enjoy July's spicy rewards together, me hearties! Directly to yer hands right here!:

And don't forget yer password! Useful for any of the three files you will find!:

I have also included many previous and relatively old sketches that haven't won in the polls! So if you would like to see any of them back for a second or third chance, let me know!! :3

Finally, I want to thank you for being part of this adventure in these uncertain and tough times. It means the whole world to me that, despite the events unfolding in our beautiful world, you choose to stay. You are truly a gorgeous sailor, and an incredible human being! Thank you SO much for being as supportive as you are!! You are the best!!

Published: 2022-07
AHOOOY, my lanterns in the night!! One more month of adventures lies behind, and fantastic new tales grow ahead!

It is the time of the month in which we rejoice with the new spicy brew of ours! And as such, here it is all for you, me matey! Let us enjoy it together!!

As usual, the password is useful for all three files, don't forget to use it, me matey!:

Once more, we have made it across the rapid cloudy tides! A prominent sight is growing in the distance, and together I am confident we can face it with grace and courage. I can't wait to share with all of you, my gorgeous sailors, about this new stage that is about to begin. I am both excited and terrified. Yet, thanks to your support and encouragement, I feel that the next step is going to be the biggest adventure yet!! 

Thank you for making this possible. Thank you for being so special to me. Thank you for being you πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Published: 2022-08
YARGYOOOORRGG, me lovely hearties!! A month of treasures lies behind, and even better new adventures wind our sails ahead!

Yet not so fast, me mateys! Before unraveling October's journey, let us rejoice with September's booty!!

Shall we find a new guest on our ship, the owner of a tail and mystic purple horns? The answer lies right here, my sailors!!:

And don't forget the password!:

There are sooo many new beautiful faces becoming part of this gorgeous crew!!! Welcome aboard, my lovely sailors! Many naughty adventures are in our skies paths ahead!!

Thank you SO much for being there for me, my gorgeous lanterns. You are keeping this journey ongoing, this Swifter afloat, and this Cap'n engaged and passionate for the things to come!! I can't stop repeating myself, but I am so darn proud of you, every single one of my gorgeous mateys: you are my reason and my thoughts when I find it so hard to smile. You are truly the best πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Published: 2022-10
YAAARGG, my ridiculously handsome sailors!! We found October's booty! And it is full of spicy pumpkin sauce!!

Let us share our findings and enjoy its contents!!:

And don't forget the password! (Useful for all three files!):

And to celebrate almost two years of bringing our characters to life, we can now listen to all the OSTs that we have made so far for all the animations of these years!!: You will find them in Soundcloud right here!: https://bit.ly/3NocD5v

Finally, in the following days, I shall share very important news with you, me gorgeous hearties!; I am just making sure to make it worth it since the first day!! So, be ready, my sailors! The dream is about to come true!! 😍😍😍

Thank you SO much for being this great!! You are THE BEST!!

Published: 2022-10
We are surfing the horizon, my lovely sailors! And as such, we got a new booty to share among ourselves!! 

Quite an eventful beginning of the year, not gonna lie. Yet luckily enough, we manage to squeeze this shorter month for a big load of spicy sauce with our popcorn! Let us enjoy the wonders we brew in February! All thanks to your incredible support, my gorgeous sailors!

Here's the booty to enjoy!:

And ye know the drill, choose your prize and use the following pass!

I am so surprised and charmed about how this beautiful crew is growing and caring for each other. I feel so lucky to have such a healthy and wholesome community. Every single one of you, me hearties, make me so proud!

You are fantastic, and this Cap'n certainly hopes one day to be at the high level of awesomeness my almighty crew is!! I shall do my best! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Published: 2022-03
Cheers and Seas, me hearties!! April is here, and we are to celebrate another great month aboard this ship together! With the booty of the month for you to enjoy, of course!

Now, I've been keeping something secret for the whole of March, and I must admit: it was so hard to do so!! But I've been brewing some lil' spicy treat for you, my lovely ones!: An extra spice for the popcorn if you catch my drift! So ye better get into the Popcorn Bootey and find out what the gig is all about!!

Let us explore it together!:

And ye know the drill, choose your prize and use the following pass!

Thank you SO much for joining this glorious adventure! I am incredibly grateful for having you aboard, being part of this wholesome and ever-loving crew. My unique sailors, just as crazy as their silly captain πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Published: 2022-04
YAAAAARG YOOOORG for another great month we've spent together!!!!

Hours away from the wonders that May is about to unleash upon us, let us enjoy the booty we've managed to capture together!!

Let us explore it together, me hearties!:

This Cap'n has also uploaded a quick access for the animation for those that don't want to wait ;). Don't forget the password!:

I must admit, me mateys, this is getting out of hand!! How is it possible that so many wholesome and loving sailors choose this silly Cap'n?? You can't imagine how happy you all make me feel!! 

Thank you, my beautiful crew. You are making this journey happen! I promise you, I will do all that I can to make of this adventure one to remember πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Published: 2022-05
YAAARGG, me hearties!! A month full of treasures lies behind, and great new adventures wash ahead!

Yet before unraveling June's new mysteries, let us enjoy May's booty!!

Shall we rejoice in the company of our favorite Faun. Let's find out together right here!:

And don't forget the password!:

I also wanted to welcome the new members of the crew!! Welcome aboard, and remember that many smutty adventures lie ahead!! And to my whole wholesome crew: thank you SO much for being there and keeping this journey ongoing. This Swifter wouldn't be floating towards far lands without your beloved presence! You are truly the best! Every single one of you! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

And just a reminder... we are so close to that two and three zeroes goals, and I hope you know what will happen by then. A great new story shall begin!! 😍😍😍

Published: 2022-05