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Chapter 3 is finally, finally finished!

the last few months have been brutal, but I've finally got my brain firing on all cylinders again and am able to code without a struggle. I'm looking forward to really getting to work again, and am excited for all the good things to come!

I also rearranged the end of chapter 3 and beginning of chapter 4 a bit. Looking it over again after my unintended hiatus, I decided that the RO scenes felt really out of place where they were, so I've moved them to early in chapter 4 and swapped it with a scene that makes a lot more sense there. Let me know what you think!

Without further ado, here's the update!

Total word count so far: 177,648 before code

You can play the beta here!

password: itsaliiive

I've started working on the rewrites of the prologue and beginning of chapter 1 now, and I'm really happy with the changes I'm making. I think it flows a lot better and is an all-around more enjoyable read. If there's anything you'd like me to add (appearance options, pronouns, etc) let me know that as well!

I will be keeping the patreon on hiatus for the time being, since I'm still working on getting everything back to normal for me, but if you stick around here I'll still post updates a little early for you ;) thanks for your patience and your support!


Brittany B.

Anya's the best almost-niece ever. 🥺💗


I am so glad you’re ok!!! Thank you for writing Speaker- when I read your writing I feel like I’m swept up in how vividly I see it as a movie in my brain! I hope everything is well for you, and I hope you have a wonderful day!


Yes, so glad you're well!!! As far the ending of chapter 3, it seems natural to me. Thank you so much for sharing Speaker with us. I love everyone and will have so much fun exploring relationships. Best wishes for writing and health!